
Monday, April 11, 2011

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle… you lazy butts!

You know what I don’t understand about this world? More than people who don’t bother to vote and then carp on about taxes and how all politicians are the same? More than people who think that if you’re bisexual it means you’ll screw absolutely anyone (especially them)? What I don’t understand is the fact that people STILL don’t recycle! Yes, I’m being a bit dramatic. But…

Seriously people! It’s the year 2011, and cities and states have been making it more and more convenient for you to recycle! Yet, you still choose to throw your aluminum cans, glass bottles, and plastic bags in the dumpster! What. Is. Wrong. With. You?? Take the time to rinse out your cans, bottles and glasses! Find where your town recycling plant is. Contribute to our sustainability you lazy butts!

Now…This shouldn't be news to anyone, but just incase, here are some Tips:
  1. Use only the water you need, and reuse when possible.
  2. Help keep water clean by using biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  3. Dispose of solid and liquid wastes and medications safely. Many pharmacies have receptacles to drop off unused prescriptions.
  4. Protect your local water source from pollutants, excess pesticides and garbage.
  5. Save energy at home. Choose energy-saving appliances if they’re available. 
  6. Reuse. Upcycle! Take something that is disposable and transform it into something of greater use and value. Save your corks and bottle caps to make a creative frame or coaster. Save newspapers and do the old-newspaper-as-wrapping-paper trick!
  7. Recycle metals, plastics and paper – NO EXCUSES
  8. E-cycle. Recycle and/or properly dispose of electronic waste such as computers and other gadgets.
  9. When purchasing goods, opt for sustainable, recycled or reused resources. Choose items in less packaging. While those little convenient bags of carrots are great, just splurge for the big bag and use your reusable plastic ware. 
  10. And then…. the easiest and now the trendiest of them all: BYOB! Bring your own bag to the grocery store! You could even get fancy and RECYCLE a used pillowcase, sew some handles on it, and poof, there ya go! A trendy new grocery bag! Want more ideas like this? Click this !

April 22nd is Earth Day. While I am a firm believer that everyday is Earth Day, I am going to challenge you to celebrate this day. 

If you don’t already, establish recycling bins for your home. Look at your “trash” as a creative opportunity. Buy Energy Star Light bulbs and do the switch out (make sure to properly dispose of the old light bulbs). Check out to see how.

Being lazy or uneducated is NOT an excuse! Consider yourself educated! We are sharing this planet, and we must work together to take care of her.

So, what will YOU do to celebrate Earth Day? 

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this post Christina!! I try everyday to do my part and recycling bins for all my shit! I'm celebrating Earth Day by volunteering and helping out a school in Eugene plant trees, paint an earth day mural, and lots of other random good stuff for the Earth! :)
