
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Top 6: What I Don't Understand About Fashion

Preface: I will NEVER call myself a "fashionista". I love fashion. I enjoy shopping for clothes and putting some amount of effort into looking presentable. I love looking at magazines and watching T.V. shows that  discuss the "What to wear and what NOT to wear". I appreciate it… but sometimes… I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!!

Top 6: What I Don't Understand About Fashion 

1) Ugg Boots & A Skirt
I just don't get it! It logically just DOES NOT make sense! They are sheep lined boots! They are made for cold weather! Why are you wearing them with a skirt? Sure, you're showing off your legs and sometimes ass cheeks… but those boots are NOT made for walking. They are made for SNOW!

2) Bug Eyed Sunglasses
Sunglasses are supposed to protect you EYES from the sun… not your whole face.

3) Runway Fashion
Okay, I get that most of the stuff on the runway is not for walking down the street, or for us common folk who don't get to walk the red carpet…but seriously, some of the stuff on the catwalk shouldn't be on anyone. Who the hell would wear this? And, please… someone explain why THIS is considered fashion?

4) Weird Ass Shoes
I love shoes. I have too many a lot of shoes! But all my shoes, I can WALK in! Ya know, the whole point of wearing shoes?! Well, that and covering gross feet…. eeewww. Some shoes… are just ridiculous! Sure, they are strange and interesting… but if you make an ass of yourself wearing them… you asked for it. Ahem, Lady Gaga! 


5) Butt Writing 
I think Victoria Secret started this…or was it Juicy? Don't really care… it just needs to stop. It's a billboard on your ASS, and it makes you look _______________. 

6) Hair Bump
This one isn't really a "fashion trend" but… it's still ridiculous. A little "bump" can be okay… but when you have to BUY an accessory to shove under your hair… there's a problem. I thought it was going away… and then…and then… along came Snooki. Let it die ladies…let it die! 

So there you have it. The trends that I don't understand, and will not participate in. We must put a stop to this. If you see a girl (or guy) partaking in these terrible trends, you should pull them aside and let them know. Just say it… be honest… 

"You look awful. It's time to retire those Ugg boots, the 'Hottie' skirt, the Bumpit, and those large sunglasses. Just let them go." 

Wouldn't YOU want to know? 

Footnote: I do a "Top 6" because anyone can do a "Top 5". 

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