
Monday, May 30, 2011

Super Suck Sunday (On a Monday)


  • Parents on Facebook. My stepdad recently created a Facebook account. Correction: My mother created it for him. Now, I did have to establish some rules and understanding. For example, please don't post anything embarrassing on my wall; everyone can see it! But seeing my parents communicate through FB, when I know they are feet away from each other in the living room…is quite entertaining. 
  • Getting into a honking contest. A guy cut me off in traffic last week and I honked at him - that's why we have that feature, right? Well, he honked back. So then, that pissed me off… so I honked again - out of spite. This continued for a few more honks, and by that time… I was cracking up. 
  • Accomplishing a dream. I had a very surreal moment while riding the bus to practicum: I am doing it. I wanted to be in Seattle. I wanted to experience the city. I wanted to get into a grad program that I am passionate about. I've done it, and I am enjoying every moment. Every experience is of value, and I feel so blessed. 
  • Camping! Everything about it! I love being completely unplugged from technology. Sitting around the fire and talking with friends….eating scrumptious fire cooked meals...Playing fun games (Bananagrams is awesome)…Spending a day in the sunshine (even if I neglected the SPF and I look like a lobster)….Using my super awesome headlamp (handsfree illumination!)…and seeing how adorable our pup can be! 


  • Passwords. I have so many! It's impossible for me to remember them all! I understand the importance of security, but it's a little crazy when I have to change it every 30 days so it takes me 2 minutes to log in. 
  • Paper-cuts. I swear, I am paper-cut prone. At least once a week I self-inflict, and then somehow manage to forget and get lemon juice, or something equally awful in it. 
  • Summer television. All the shows I watch (which isn't many) have had their season finale. Now what? 
  • Spiders. They. Are. Here. We killed 4 in two days. I do not care if they stay outside, but once they enter the threshold into my home… I enforce spider genocide. My reaction is something like this: 



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