
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • Getting another A+ on a paper and the professor asking to use it as an example – woot woot!
  • Spontaneously deciding to go to a baseball game after a hellish weekend in class. Of course they didn’t win… but I got to enjoy the game and a scrumptious pretzel and nachos!
  • This commercial. Though this pup is not nearly as cute as Theo, he is pretty stinkin’ cute:

  • Making plans to see my Mama! We couldn’t spend Mother’s Day together, but we’ll make up for it next weekend! Lots of fun planned!


  • The fact that I am still getting used to my Mac and sometimes...with the swipe of a finger, all my windows disappear and I have a brief moment of panic.
  • Two things: 1) Having a very active and CrAzY imagination and, 2) Being alone in a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome. I felt like a scary-movie-murder scene waiting to happen….
  • Situations that drive you absolutely nuts, and all you want to do it get up and say, “really??!!”. For example: spending 20 minutes of class deciding how we are going to split into groups.  Should we choose our own groups? Should we count off? How many groups should there be, and how many people in each group?? Arrggghhh! Seriously… this is a Grad School class?!
  • Spending money on things we consume… like food and gas. I hate spending $150 at the grocery store, and then having to do it all over again in a few weeks. That’s a lot of money!


Happy Mother’s Day to all Mommys!

My mother is an amazing woman who has worked hard to give me everything. She has taught me to be a strong, intelligent, and independent woman. My mother has always believed in me and given me the strength and courage to accomplish my dreams. I always know that no matter what, I can call her and she will listen. I can depend on her, no matter what. Even when I scrape my knee, she'll be there. Even at 23,  she's the one I called when I fell while running

I love you, Mama. You are a beautifully amazing woman, and I am so honored to be your daughter. 

1 comment:

  1. I literally laughed out loud at your description of trying to split up into groups. Yes you're in grad school, but your in an MSW program. Every Monday when I arrive in my generalist class, we have to spend the first 10 minutes rearranging the furniture into a large horseshoe shape so no one is "excluded" from the group. Never mind the fact that the horseshoe almost exactly matches the perimeter of the room, thereby blocking all exits and making it damn near impossible to get up to use the bathroom discreetly.
