
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • Good food and good friends. I love having great conversation over great food. Have you ever had a crepe filled with: goat cheese, pesto, roasted tomato and spinach? AMAZING! 
  • Completing my Standardized Client Interview. I don't think I did that well, but… at least it's over! 
  • A perfect day for riding to work. It was finally nice enough out to where I could ride my bike to work. I missed her! 
  • Mama time. Can't ever beat that! 
  • Whitney Cummings. I swear, her and I are the same person. 


  • Pulling out of the garage in pouring rain, and realizing your sun roof was open. Super sucked. 
  • Imagine bleeding to death and having no form of bandages. That would suck, right? Well, I feel the same way every month when I realize I have ZERO tampons in the house and I have to make a 10 PM run to the grocery store. Again, super sucked. ** Sorry, too much information?** 
  • Those damn commercials on Pandora. I mean, I get it… it's "free radio"with the ability to skip songs… but the commercials are still annoying. 
  • Going to the dog park expecting it to be a "Boston Meet-up" only to hear that we are a week early. Damn! This is kind of a Super and a Suck, cause now we have next week to look forward to. C'mon, you know you want to see 10 Boston Terriers playing together!! 

  • Grumpy people. I recently encountered a women at the deli who was really rude. So, I've developed this new response: call them out on their shit. The woman very rudely in an annoyed tone said,"Are you needing help?" It was so rude that I actually made a face that translated to, "really?" Here was my response: "Wow, I'm sorry you're having a bad day. But yes, may I please have some bow-tie pasta salad?" She immediately changed her tone, and apologized. That's right folks, start calling people out on their shit - and we can save the world… one grumpy deli person at a time.  

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