
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • Having a super awesome first day at practicum. It started with a bus ride that I was a little nervous about, but it was relaxing and fun! The work is really interesting and I feel as though I will be learning a lot, and will have a lot of questions! Looking forward to this new experience! 
  • Purple Liquid Eyeliner. The Boy got me a Sephora gift card, which allowed the me the opportunity to spoil myself with girlie supplies. LOVING THE PURPLE! 

  • ORGANIC MILK. If you don't drink it…you should. You CAN taste the difference! 
  • Females who write and record super awesome music. Sometimes, they convey everything I wish I could, or they are singing about something I wish felt. 


  • Sending an email to the wrong person. I received an email at work and it was SUPER SUCKY frustrating. Without a seconds thought, I wrote an email that was rather explicitly explaining this frustration and hit 'send'. As it was sending, I noticed the recipient. THE WRONG PERSON! Not only was it sent to the wrong person, but it was a very important-kinda-super-important person in the agency… SUCKS. 
  • Cellophane - AKA - Plastic Wrap. Not only is it completely SUCKY for the environment, but I am incapable of success with the first piece. Again, this is not good for the environment. 
  • ASSHOLES IN PARKING LOTS. You know who you are. The guy that thinks it's okay to race to the open spot and then slide your stupid BMW in as if you didn't see the blinker that OBVIOUSLY indicated I was about to part there!! Karma will find you, my friend. 
  • BLISTERS. No matter how broken in and comfortable you think your shoes are…walking around downtown Seattle for 3 hours will ultimately result in blisters. My solution: tape. Once you feel it… take some tape… don't care what kind (though I use packing tape - yup… keep it in my purse) and cover that stuff up. Ditch the Band-Aids… tape works better, promise. 


  1. Tape for blisters is a really fantastic idea that I had never thought of! Band-aids always slide off.

  2. Tape huh? Makes total sense... It's less noticable and yeah won't slip! Note taken my fiend.
