
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Top 6: How I Relieve Stress

I begin my practicum next month. This means that any life that I have tried to hold onto while in grad school thus far, I must say "goodbye" to. I am absolutely terrified. This is different than any other feeling I've had before. I am not terrified of failing (like I normally am), I am terrified of dying from stress and exhaustion. 

I need to get my head together. I need to prepare myself for this change in my life…I need to find routine and structure. For my mental health, I must remember to make make time for enjoyment and stress relief.

Top 6: How I Relieve Stress

1.    Read a magazine. I read article after article about power, race, injustice, inequality… you get the point. Sometimes, it just nice to sit down with a fashion magazine and just let my mind rest!

2.    Paint my fingers and toes! I love funky colors on my nails. I enjoy pampering myself and brushing on some new paint.

This is the color I'm wearing now!

3.    Going to the dog park near our house. There are two reasons why this relieves stress. First, Theo is hilarious to watch! And, the park is right off the Sound. It's not the stress relief of my ocean, but it is a large body of water. 

This is my home. 

4.    CLEAN! I get into a frenzy and I just start running around the house cleaning! This is interesting considering I don't actually enjoy cleaning. When I am stressed it's usually because I have something I need to do, but don't want to do. Cleaning is great procrastination. 

5.    Phone a friend. with fabulous friends that can talk my ear off for hours. I always feel happier, and sometimes even more motivated to get my stuff done. 

6.    Cry. Yes, I enjoy a good cry. Just letting it all out is relieving. It's not good to keep all that stuff bottled up inside! Even if nothing is really wrong, sometimes I'll just put in a really sappy movie and sit on the couch with a box of tissues. That's normal, right? 

     As of now….these are all healthy stress relievers. I beg of you, if I start eating the magazines or sniffing the nail polish… please call for an intervention. 

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