
Monday, June 13, 2011

Super Suck Sunday (On a Monday)

I must note that I have been under the influence of prescription narcotics for the past 4 days - and much of the following is a result of such a mindset. 


  • Blogging. Reading blogs, and blogging myself has been a great way to spend my time while I have been permanently horizontal on the couch. 
  • For similar reasons - ON DEMAND is amazing! Instantly watching a movie, or catching up on shows I never watch, nor have EVER wanted to watch is great! Currently, I am watching the Bachelorette. Seriously… this show is ridiculous. 
  • Insurance. I feel so grateful for having a job that provides me with benefits. My prescriptions are under $1!!! 
  • Having a guy that will take care of you. The Boy has been amazing (yes, I am doing a little shout-out). He has been bringing me food (and flowers), making sure I am taking my medicine, helping me ice my chipmunk face, and even has the patience when I get super frustrated and start crying….he's been fabulous.


  • I just have to get it out there - getting your wisdom teeth out… SUCKS!! I now realize what people were saying when they told me the recovery is worse than the procedure. I don't even remember the procedure. My jaw is achy, the pills make me dizzy and sleepy, and by the end of all this I will never want to eat pudding again. Oh, and the fact that I can't suck through a straw…SUPER SUCKS! 
  • Watching "Chick Flicks" without your chicks. I miss my girlie friends. 
  • When your fingernails don't grow at the same rate, so they are all different lengths. OR when they are the same length, and you break one. I am trying really hard not to bite them all off. 
  • Not having enough hands to carry everything I need over to the couch. Lately, I have been high maintenance. I need my water bottle, pills, phone, iPad, my blanket and my dog. I can't carry all that in one trip - But I sure will try. 

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