
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Top Six: My Three Week Summer

Well folks…I've officially completed another quarter. I think I am getting the hang of this. My class yesterday was easy to say goodbye to; Screw off Macro Practice II - Organizations, Community and Policy Practice…. you  were dumb. However, when I walked out of my Micro Generalist Practice class, I got a little sentimental. I had some very profound professional revelations in that class….

I've already picked up my reader and textbook for next quarter (both are 3 inches thick). I have exactly THREE WEEKS until I start class, which means my "Summer Break" starts now. What shall I do? 

  1. Get wisdom teeth removed (super looking forward to this…) 
  2. Paint!!!I have been inspired lately, and need to just paint! 
  3. Get organized for next quarter. I nerd out and organize everything from last quarter into cute little folders, with their cute little appropriate labels…then, I get all my folders and notebooks ready for next quarter…with all of THEIR appropriate labels. Pens and highlighters in order…. ya, office supplies get me hot. 
  4. Get a massage. Oh. Yes. 
  5. Start my Practicum Journal. I've only spent three days at my site, and already I have had some pretty intense experiences; Not everyone gets to watch a murder sentencing on their second day. I need to write this stuff down. 
  6. Read SOMETHING for fun! I read academic articles in my sleep…I want to read something for me. I started reading EATING ANIMALS, by Jonathan Safran Foer, and I would love to finish it before I need to start reading THIS BAD BOY. 

I think this list is doable.
 Cheers to another quarter down, and a shot for three weeks of summer. Oy vay.

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