
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • First Farmer's Market of the Summer (though not much of a Summer). I bought a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and some delicious Rainer Cherries.
  • Getting an email from a very happy client who is gracious for the work that I have done for him. Feels good to know the work I do means something. 
  • Sleeping in. The boy was nice enough to let me sleep in this morning. Not seeing a clock until almost 10 AM was absolutely incredible. 
  • Lintrollers. AMAZING invention. My cat loves to lay on all my black clothes. Literally… those are the only clothes he will lay on. Asshole. 
  • Juicers. Ever get a whole cutting board full of fruits and vegetables into one glass? The boy purchased a juicer last week after watching Fat Sick and Nearly Dead (he's such a sucker). It's a pretty good documentary - you should watch it. See the trailer below:


  • Cravings. I have been trying to choose the more healthy route, but Friday was a true test. The bakery next to my Practicum is amazing…muffins, brownies, scones and buns were calling my name. I was strong and chose fresh fruit. Seriously….now that's willpower. 
  • Homework and school in general. Procrastination has been getting the better of me. It's effing Summer (sorta)! I do not want to be writing papers and reading articles…. nope. 
  • It's July 17th. It's currently overcast, raining and 50 Degrees outside. Enough. Said. 
  • I know it's my own damn fault, but it's really frustrating when I can't find my stuff in the morning. Nothing is more irritating than when I can't find my belt, or my cardigan…or my other shoe. 
  • Junk mail and phone books suck!! Not only are they unwanted and completely unnecessary, but they are a waste of paper. So - here's what you can do: 

Where to recycle? Click HERE
How to opt out of receiving phone books? Click HERE

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