
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • Friends you know you can call no matter what. The friends who know you better than you know yourself. The friends that will call you out on your shit, or talk you up when you're feeling down. 
  • Knowing that I have chosen a path I am passionate about. I met with my practicum advisor this week, and our conversation made me realize (once again) how much I love this work. It's easy to lose sight of my purpose when I can't see past all of the paper writing and article reading. I need to remind myself why I have chosen this path. 
  • The butterflies I got when the Boy came home after being gone a week. 
  • A wonderfully gorgeous day that allowed a bike ride. Seriously, cycling has got to be the goofiest looking sport (calling it a sport can be debated), but it sure is fun! 


  • Traffic. The two things people complain about in Seattle is the rain AND the traffic. Yes, they both suck. 
  • Burning you tongue on your morning coffee…. so then your tongue is raw and numb to anything else you want to enjoy. Super sucky way to start the day. 
  • Running out of your free Pandora music. Seriously, didn't know it could happen. Apparently if you listen to too much free music, they will cut you off. 
  • Being really excited for a new restaurant, and having it completely SUCK. The Authentic Chinese place, was just a little too authentic. They have a lovely website, but don't eat at the Zen Garden.

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