
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • Completing my first year of grad school. I survived! 
  • I get to go home next weekend! A visit to the coast is long overdue, and I'm counting down the seconds until my feet are in the sand.  
  • The simple pleasures of a Sunday morning. Getting to sleep in, waking up to a sweet note, relaxing with the pup…and watching a marathon of Sex and the City. Super. 
  • Celebrating a bachelorette! Going to a Red Sox game, AND riding a mechanical bull. I lasted a lot longer than I thought I would, but my thighs are feeling it. 

Miss Emily. She'll be a married woman in four days! 

This nice guy politely asked me if I would like him to stop the bull if my ass shows. 
Obviously I didn't think through wearing a dress, but luckily I chose the right kind of underwear. 


  • Forgetting to zip your fly. I don't know why, and I don't know how… but for about three days now, I have been caught with my fly down. How does that happen? Small degree of embarrassment. 
  • Getting a J-walking ticket. I didn't get one, but I watched a girl get handed one. Super sucks, right? Might just be better to wait for the light. 
  • Having a GPS that does the opposite of what it's supposed to do: it gets you lost. I'm terrible at directions as it is, I need my British girl to be reliable! 
  • The weekend is over already…. 

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