
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top 6: Things I've Learned About Myself Since Starting Grad School

As I am about to embark on my second year of grad school, I have done a lot of reflection on what I have learned thus far. Now, of course I have been immersed in the academic literature that so eloquently conveys the horror that is our social system, in addition to the steps we as social work warriors will take to conquer said horrors (dramatic, I know) - but what I am talking about here is what I have learned about myself.

Top 6: Things I've Learned About Myself Since Starting Grad School

1)    I get super nervous when introducing myself to large groups. I thought I got over this in my undergrad, but apparently not. I don’t even listen to who is before me; as I am too busy practicing what I am going to say. I always eff it up.
2)    I loathe sitting in circles. Every. Single. Class. Requires us to sit in a damn circle. Everyone can see you! At all times! I get zero sitting privacy!
3)    I can never correctly spell ‘privilege’ the first time. I mix I’s with E’s and the reverse…
4)    I rock APA. Thank goodness I worked at the Writing Center!
5)    I get awkward and uncomfortable when people blow their nose while talking to me. This happens to me far too often. Do I look away and give them their privacy? Or do I continue with the conversation and risk the chance I’ll have to tell them they missed something… You know, like a booger?  
6)    When I am tired of discussing micro/mezzo/macro social work – I find relief in discussing sex. I don’t know what it is, but whenever I am just DONE talking about the social worky stuff, something crazy inappropriate will come out of my mouth. Luckily, I have class with girls who also lack a filter.

Cheers to another year of circle sitting, booger picking, sex talk, class!

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