
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • People remembering my name at my Practicum. I am only there once a week and it's a HUGE office. Having someone remember my name is a pretty big deal! 
  • I had my 5th Roller Derby practice today and I am still loving it! I have decided to keep it up and hope to join a team by January! 
  • Due to a recent post, my mother told me what I will be unwrapping this Christmas! Oh so excited! So many recipes to try out!! 
  • Tomorrow is Halloween!! We half celebrated last night with spooky cocktails, a little dress up and a Halloween inspired burlesque show. Tomorrow I will be helping out with trick-or-treaters and get to face paint for the little ones. That will be a blast! 

That's an eyeball in my drink. Eeek! 

Get it? Tooth…. Fairy!! 

I even had fairy dust in my poach. 


  • We took Theo to the vet and he's got a virus. *sad face* He's on a weeks worth of medications. Pretty sucky. 
  • Going to the grocery store to get all the fixins to spend the night baking…and forgetting eggs, foil and pumpkin. Disaster. Oh, and running out of cupcake liners. 
  • Getting a hole in your brand new socks. That sucks, right? They're BRAND FRICKIN' NEW!
  • Not being prepared for Seattle rain. I guess it's that time of the year to wear a jacket equipped with a hood and carry an umbrella. On the bright side, what's the likelihood of finding your umbrella twin in a busy city? 

Thursday, October 27, 2011


For anyone who has experienced living with a roommate, I think we can all agree that living with someone can be fabulous, joyous and fun. However, I will not be talking about the rainbows and butterflies of living with someone. You know, the late night chats and the building of forts in the living room? No no, I want to talk about pet peeves, frustrations, disagreements and the compromises.
Let me start from the beginning….
My brother, Tony. He would leave the seat up (as many boys do).He would leave his towel on the floor, which wasn’t too bad of an issue until it started to smell. We could never agree on anything to watch: I wanted MTV and he wanted the Simpsons. I was filing my nails too close to him and he yelled at me and made me cry.
I moved to college and lived with a girl in what-felt-like a 10x10 foot room. I would leave to take a shower and would come back to a dark room… left to stumble around dripping wet, searching for my desk lamp. She would eat my food. She would invite people over to watch ridiculous television. I came in one morning to find a boy in my bed. I did not put him there. When I went to check-out at the end of the year, I found melted ice-cream smeared all over my desk. Her last word.
I got to choose my roommates after that. Two of my best friends and then a random person none of us had met. This new girl liked to make macaroni&cheese and leave the cheesy pot sit in the sink for days. Her boyfriend would stay over. Every.Single.Night. He was always there; we all felt we had a fifth roommate. They even took showers together. One night we smelled an illegal drug coming from her bedroom. This wouldn’t have been too big of an issue if we weren’t in campus housing. She was a mean girl.
Currently, my roommate just happens to be someone I am in love with. This comes with its many benefits, but of course its challenges. Luckily, he puts the seat down religiously. I want him to eat my food. I want him to always be there. We agree on the age-old question of Over vs. Under. He loads the dishes, I unload them. Luckily, we both love baseball and football, so watching games is never in question. But that doesn’t mean we haven’t had our adjustments and readjustments. When Noah cooks, he cleans as he goes. I feel like I am doing enough as it is (i.e., cooking) and will worry about the cleanup later. This is a little gross to admit, and only my mother will know why I do this, but: I don’t always flush the toilet. It’s an old habit from growing up with a chronic septic tank/ flooding issue. Noah's towel does gets a little smelly, and I do wish I got the remote a little more often.
Fortunately, I have learned two things from my roommate experiences, the good and the bad: 1) communicating about the frustrations, as well as the appreciations is oh so important. 2) Compromising is the only way to come to a sustainable solution. If I would have told my first college roommate what was bothering me, I might have walked through the dark in a towel alot less. She might have left a light on for me.
And just so you know... I'm remembering to flush the toilet.

I’ve shared my horrific roommate experiences…what are yours?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's Inside: My Makeup Bag

I started wearing makeup in Middle School. I remember my mom getting me brown eyeliner, mascara, and a three shade eyeshadow pallet. She told me not to wear too much. In the past 10 years, my makeup hasn't changed. Some girls love going shopping for makeup, but for me… I get all anxious and sweaty. Seriously… walking down the center of Nordstom could send me into a panic attack. The bright lights and mirrors, and the people that come up to you and either want to spray you with perfume or pick apart your face… NO THANK YOU! It took me years to gain the courage to walk into a SEPHORA

So, when I find makeup I like, I stick to it. Here is what will always be in my bag: 

Urban Decay's Naked Eyeshadow Pallet: See HERE
2 bottles of moisturizer: Avalon Organics & Aveeno Tinted. 
Sephora Mineral Powder
Jane Iredale's : Disappear Concealer, Bronzer and lip gloss (Candied Rose)
2 CoverGirl Liquid Eyeliners (black & brown) 
2 Sephora liquid Eyeliners (Glitter Brown & Fancy Violet)
CoverGirl's LashBlast Mascara (a little bit about me, I HATE FINDING MASCARA)
Oh, and I smell like: COACH Poppy, See HERE

I'm thinking about signing up for BIRCHBOX
That way I wouldn't have to deal with the anxiety of makeup shopping. Oh the wonders of internet shopping….  

Monday, October 24, 2011

Did You Know: Random Grammar Tip

As it is one of my grammatical pet peeves, I thought I’d give a random grammar tip. This tip comes, in part, from Paul Brians' Common Errors in English Usage site, one of my favorites.
Abbreviations vs Acronyms vs Initialisms 
An abbreviation is any shortened form of a word or phrase. Two of the most common types of abbreviations are acronyms and initialisms.
Acronyms are words formed from the initial parts of a name.
Example: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), SCUBA (self-contained, underwater, breathing apparatus), NOW (National Organization of Women).
Initialisms, however, are a group of initial letters used as an abbreviation for a name or expression, each letter being pronounced separately.
Example: APA (American Psychological Association), MLB (Major League Baseball), SSW (School of Social Work).
What's the basic rule? Acronyms form words; initialisms do not.
Due to consistent incorrect usage, in some circles acronyms and initialisms are considered synonymous - but now you know there's a difference!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Presently Sweating

"Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are."
-Jason Crandell

I did NOT want to go to yoga last night. I am exhausted from the week, and I still have Friday/Saturday class to be present and attentive to. I literally (with the help of a few others) had to talk myself into going.

After spending 90 minutes in heat and humidity, contorting into different positions, keeping control of my breath and the drips of sweat all over my body… I couldn’t have felt better. There were moments where I thought I was going to die (or at least pass out) but as soon as we bowed to Namaste’, I felt invigorated and proud. I need to think about the end result when I am dragging my feet and don’t want to go. It’s always worth it.

Staying present and in the moment is an everyday practice – in yoga it is a requirement. I am not thinking about the papers I need to write, the article I just read, the groceries I need to pick up, money or any other momentary stresses. Those 90 minutes allow me time to challenge myself, work out the tensions of my body and mind and sweat out the negativity.

I have to be my own little cheerleader. “Sweat it out girl- you’re worth it.”

Monday, October 17, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Put down the corn dog and pick up your degree!

Besides the obvious phallic connotations - I mean, c'mon…why couldn't she have been working at a pizza place? Some commercials just make me say… WTF?

Friday, October 14, 2011

It's Freakin' Friday

I woke up this morning and thought, "Woohoo, yippee it's freakin' Friday!" 

All I have planned is: sleeping in, writing a paper, football, roller derby, and enjoying the lovely Fall weather. We might even take Theo to the Boston Meet Up. This is how much we love our dog: We meet with a bunch of other Boston Terrier owners and they all play together. Perfection. Will be posting photos.

Top 6: Fall Obsessions

The sunset seen from our upstairs window on a crisp evening
Cozy sweaters

Look how adorably festive a coworker's nails are! Don't be distracted by her GIGANTIC ring.
My favorite candy

"Fall in Love" the painting I did for Noah when we first started dating…aww

I love scarves! Especially these from Forget Me Not

Happy Weekend.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

An Event: Punishment & Inequality in America

Today nearly 60% of black male high school drop-outs have spent some time in prison.  Starting in the 1990s, the "tough on crime" mentality has created a complex web of increased policing and surveillance; the decimation of economic opportunities; and an ever-increasing racial wealth gap, which has continued the vicious cycle of crime, poverty, and broken communities. In his groundbreaking book, "Punishment and Inequality in America" Professor Bruce Western of Harvard University, explores the root causes of mass incarceration and the interlocking systems of economic and racial oppression in our communities today. He further describes the heavy burden of racial and economic inequality and severe punishment on the very fabric of our society.

Tonight, I get to see Professor Bruce Western and others expose how mass imprisonment shapes our society and how communities are struggling to deal with its consequences before, during, and after a prisoner serves time. Topics include racial disparities in the criminal justice system, support for former prisoners, and how programs that facilitate the transition from prisoner to citizen can serve an economy in distress.

I am extremely excited that I have the opportunity to attend such an event, and can sit among others who have a passion for equality.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fries, Coleslaw or Rice Pilaf?

Even if you are a waiter for a short time, you are doomed to have waiter nightmares for the rest of your life. You go into work and your uniform is missing or you can't figure out how the tables are numbered or you've suddenly developed a limp. Your weird aunt, who was always hard to please, pops up at one table or someone who made fun of you in high school or an ax murderer is demanding their appetizer. You miss your wedding because no on will cover for you.

I was a waiter or as I like to call them, servers for almost 6 years at a restaurant in Oregon. They are "Nationally Famous" for their clam chowder. Little do the tourists know, the chowder is actually potato paste with a few cans of clams thrown in. The cooks just add a gallon of whole milk and boil the pot. They even sprinkle a bit of sand in there to make is taste a bit more authentic.

At the time, the place was run by a despot named Steve, who, when he was through screaming at us at staff meetings for our various and sundry infractions - bleach stained aprons and snide attitudes and tardiness and wastefulness and our overall failure as viable beings - he would make the startling pronouncement that the greatest achievement of our lives was that we were working for him. He usually said this to me while staring at my boobs. WTF? Without a doubt, Steve was the most loathsome person I had ever met, and if somehow someone could manage to avoid his wrath and last more than two weeks on the waitstaff, that was, indeed an accomplishment.

Everyday I put on my waiter costume and my efficient-waiter smile and I went there and tried to make people happy enough to tip me 20 percent. And between taking orders, delivering food, and avoiding Steve, who nightly could be found hitting on tourist women, I could be found out back, watching the bay and dreaming of a better way to make money. Eventually, I would have to go back in. I would apply more chapstick and prepare to kiss more ass for tips.

Here is how to be a good server, which means getting large tips: always give an opinion when asked. The fisherman's salad is better than the caesar. The cod is so-so but the halibut is delicious. People love when you tell them not to have something. It inspires trust. Shake your head conspiratorially when talking about the shrimp skewers. That's it. The rest is common sense. Be nice but not intrusive, be relaxed but let them know you are in control. Get them stinking drunk.

Although I absolutely hated running around, pretending I gave a shit about how a stranger's day was, telling them what food not to eat, and pretty much bending over while getting treated like crap, but still hoping to get paid… I look back at it and think, "I never have to do it again."

These memories alone give me motivation to get through school. Now, back to writing my paper.

Monday, October 10, 2011

"The most general statement of our politics at the present time would be that we are actively committed to struggling against racial, sexual, heterosexual, and class oppression and see as our particular task the development of integrated analysis and practice based upon the fact that the major systems of oppression are interlocking. The synthesis of these oppressions creates the conditions of our lives." 

- Combahee River Collective 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • All the makings of Fall. The cool crisp mornings, the changing leaves, and the pumpkins all make me very,very happy. 
  • I am actually getting used to being in the office at 7AM. I have my routine down. Of course, I am completely coffee dependent…but at least I am functional. 
  • Finding two new healthy addictions: Roller Derby and Hot Yoga! Both have made me sore and sweat like a pig, but it feels fantastic! My hopes are someday to be apart of the Rat City Roller Girls. Check out their awesomeness: 

  • Spending a day with my Dad! We got to shoot the crap outa some targets, and we enjoyed a delicious home-cooked meal. I didn't know I was such a good shot! 
Our Targets

Dad, Tina & Noah

Pops & I

Noah - shootin crap

I've never looked so tough.


  • Crying at almost every court sentencing I go to. I am told that it's good that I get emotional, because it means I care and still have a heart. Really? Watching a 2 year old wave goodbye to her father who was just sentenced to 15 years in prison HAS to illicit some emotion, right? 
  • Now that I have stated my dependence on coffee - doesn't it suck when your coffee sucks? I spent many years working as a barista, and I know how to make a damn good latte'. When I take that first sip and it's bitter, weak, burnt or all the above… I'm pretty upset. 
  • Sitting in 115 degree heat and 40% humidity and you hear the words, "Don't drink any water". I'm sorry, what? My mouth was officially desert status - all I wanted was water!! 
  • Restaurants that have AWFUL vegetarian options!!! It's absolutely frustrating when the only thing you can eat (without modifying everything) is a salad! Stay tuned to future posts on this matter. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Top 6: Things about Things

Gotta love lists, right? Without them - I would not know what to do with my day. Seriously, I would be lost. 

Here's 6 things about 6 things: 

Things I’m Passionate About



Swing sets

Things that smell good
Outdoor concerts

Finding my passions

Things I Say Often


Shut the front door
Do you have these in an 8?
I’ll have the IPA

Songs I Can Listen to Over and Over

Masters of War, Bob Dylan
Rev 22:20, Puscifer
Learn to Breathe, Missy Higgins
Four Kicks, Kings of Leon
Right in Two, TOOL
Can I Stay, Ray LaMontagne
Things that attract me to my best friends

They make me laugh after I’ve been crying

They’re all gorgeous, but don’t act like it

They don’t judge me (at least too harshly) about my love for my dog

They all have proper grammar

They love talking about sex and their vaginas
They would be perfectly content to forever live off of wine, cheese and TOOL.
Things I do in the morning
Wash face
Bump into a few walls (sleep walking)
Change my clothes 8-12 times

Things that irritate the crap outa me
Rotting bananas
Being late
No toilet paper
Awful drivers
People who are just plain rude

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I don't know what it is lately, but I have been obsessed with finding new recipes. I love finding the recipes, going shopping for the ingredients, measuring, mixing, pouring and setting the timer to bake. I love the eating part, but my favorite is feeding other people. Maybe I should have been a baker…

After making THIS  yumminess, I decided I need a mixer. Christmas list!! 

Maple Oat Scones 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Work: Monday - Thursday, 7 AM-5:30 PM
Practicum: Friday, 8 AM- 5PM 
Class: Saturday, 9 AM- 4 PM 

           This has to be my new mantra.