
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Presently Sweating

"Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are."
-Jason Crandell

I did NOT want to go to yoga last night. I am exhausted from the week, and I still have Friday/Saturday class to be present and attentive to. I literally (with the help of a few others) had to talk myself into going.

After spending 90 minutes in heat and humidity, contorting into different positions, keeping control of my breath and the drips of sweat all over my body… I couldn’t have felt better. There were moments where I thought I was going to die (or at least pass out) but as soon as we bowed to Namaste’, I felt invigorated and proud. I need to think about the end result when I am dragging my feet and don’t want to go. It’s always worth it.

Staying present and in the moment is an everyday practice – in yoga it is a requirement. I am not thinking about the papers I need to write, the article I just read, the groceries I need to pick up, money or any other momentary stresses. Those 90 minutes allow me time to challenge myself, work out the tensions of my body and mind and sweat out the negativity.

I have to be my own little cheerleader. “Sweat it out girl- you’re worth it.”

1 comment:

  1. you rock! when i grow up, i want to be just like YOU! no, seriously.. : )
