
Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Improvements

Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanza and Happy frickin' New Year!!! 

Now that I've said all that… 

New Year's resolutions are destined to fail. Just as a Monday is the best day to start a change, end a habit, or start a new one… the start of a new year holds traditional power to motivate and instill hope. Weight loss is the biggest target goal, in addition to quitting smoking or drinking less. Those damn vices… 

I have never set a NYR before, but I gave it some thought this year. Sure, I could deprive myself from food I love, only to scarf my face come February 1…but why would I do that to myself? Instead, I'm framing it differently. As I said already, NYR's are destined to fail. I will not be trying to force a weight loss, and I love my IPA's way too much… I just want to make small improvements. You may see this as a form of self trickery...but c'mon… just go with it. 

My 2012 List of Self Improvements 

1)Take the stairs: I see this as an easy change. I walk all around downtown Seattle, and it's really easy to cut through buildings and take the escalator to avoid the large hills or towering stairs… but c'mon… how lazy am I? 
2)No cell phone: I get annoyed when I am sharing a meal with someone and they keep checking their phone, emails, texting…tweeting… but sometimes I am guilty also. I want to be present for my social life. The real one….. That email can wait, I'll text you later. 
3)Eat in more: I have so many recipes I want to try, and eating out is expensive. 
4)Be on time: To work, specifically. This will be hard. Getting in at 7 AM is tough when bedtime is usually midnight. Maybe an earlier bedtime would be easier??
5)Call people more often – less texting: There are 13 people I have text in the past week (judging by my message log). Out of those 13 people (all whom I love dearly) I have spoken to only 5 via phone in the past week. I need to pick up the phone more. 
6)Comfort zone: In 2011, I challenged my comfort zone…and it was awesome. Roller Derby!! Hot Yoga!! Kale!! Great reward! 
7)Turn off the internet: I will be unplugged by 10 PM. No emails, no Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, Shopbop….no. 
8)Spend less $: I feel as though I spend my money wisely, but I will admit, I am a sucker for a sale. I schedule appointments with my retail therapists… Macy's, Victoria's Secret, Sephora… but do I really need that new bra? 
9)Handwritten letters & Cards: In college, a wonderful speaker, Maura Cullen, came and presented to my freshman class. She challenged us to send a card to a loved one, because… simply… it means a lot more than an email, or another technological message. I love getting snail mail, and I know my friends and family will too.
10)Breathe: I'll be the first to admit that I am always stressed about something. Whether it's school, work, practicum, money… or the fact that the Kardashian's are still in the limelight… there's always something. I need to just sit, and focus on my breath.It will all be okay, because someday… Kim will be fat and old. 

Cheers to a new year! Bring it on 2012! 

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