
Monday, January 16, 2012

Snowed In

While we had fabulous plans to spend the day downtown, the weather was against us. With a high of 30 and icy roads, I begrudgingly agreed to stay home.

Instead, we spent the day warm inside, with the fireplace blazing. We watched a few movies and I used my Kitchen Aid for the first time!! I dropped the Christmas hint HERE. Thanks Mom! Here are a few pics of the damage.

Cake Pops! 

They didn't turn out perfect. But we tried really hard and they're fun to make! 

Chew Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

I seriously spent the day baking and knitting… wow. Who am I? 

I cannot go without acknowledging why we had this day off from work: The birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15th).

During his time, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood as a leader and achieved genuine progress toward racial equality. I will never tire of hearing the words in his speech, "I Have a Dream", nor will I ever stop tearing up at the sound of his powerful and liberating voice. Unfortunately, years after his death, we are still fighting for racial equality. Dr. King would have turned 83… I can't help but wonder...Would he be proud?

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