
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Super Suck Sunday


  • The feeling of accomplishment. Last week was hectic… but with some planning and patience, I feel like I conquered the week.  
  • The MUTE botton on the T.V. and phone. Fabulous solution to loud commercials, or needing to flush the toilet. Yes, sometimes I do pee and talk on the phone. 
  • Birthdays and holidays. This week we get to celebrate both! The boy is a Valentine's Day baby. He gets two cards and some extra love on Tuesday. 
  • Got a new tattoo in the works. Just figuring out the details. 


  • People who choose the isle seat on the bus, so no one can get the window seat. You people are just rude. 
  • That sticky-cold-sweaty-feeling you get when it's cold outside, so you're all bundled up, but you're running around so you get hot. Does that happen to anyone else? Just me? 
  • Group papers. They say the purpose is to strengthen your group skills, but I think that's a total crock. I've been working in groups since kindergarden; I get it! 
  • The loss of an amazing artist. I will always love you, Whitney. 

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