
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Top 6: Products & Packaging that Piss Me Off

Sure, convenience is great, but what about the environmental impacts? 

Here are a few packaging/products that piss me off, and their more environmentally friendly alternatives: 

1) Kleenex Hand Towels - their selling point is over-exaggerating the amount of germs that can collect in the classic hand towel. Seriously, just wash your towels more; don't kill trees. 

2) Individually wrapped…carrots, apple slices…ANYTHING! It doesn't take long to cut up your own produce and conveniently place it into your perfecting portion sized containers. 

3) Yogurt with granola- Buy in bulk! See #3

4) Styrofoam. It's 2012, shouldn't this stuff be banned? Try to buy products that don't use styrofoam in their packaging. Biodegradable egg cartons, bring your own coffee cup, and give praise to restaurants that use reusable plastic containers. 

5)Unnecessary brand packaging. I'm talking about the lovely tissue paper that Sephora and Victoria's Secret uses to wrap our purchases. Though it's pretty and makes you feel special (just me?) it's a complete waste. Solution: tell them you don't want it. OR, if you like the paper… reuse it. 

6) Bottled water- this pretty much goes without saying. BYOWB. Bring your own water bottle, folks! 

Key considerations: 

Buy in bulk
Invest in great plastic containers (I like Rubbermaid) 
Say "No" to bad packaging
Think before you drink (in every context)

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