
Friday, June 15, 2012

Stood Up

I am writing this post from a coffee shop in Seattle. It's a bit past 3 on this sunny Friday afternoon, and I have been stood up twice. TWICE. Two clients have neglected to attend our scheduled meeting.I have an hour until my next client, and my fingers are crossed that he will show. It couldn't happen 3 times, could it? As I am enjoying my impromptu ceprese sandwich and an iced-vanilla latte', I can't help but be pissed off. At a risk of sounding completley narcissistic, this is my learning that's being screwed up. I have expectations for this internship. Don't they understand I am trying to help them? Then...the social worky side makes its way through. There's a reason why they need my help, and assessing motivation and more complexed barriers is why I'm here. The trick is getting them to attend their appointments... Yikes. Happy Friday, folks. *Updated: I DID get stood up by the third client. 3/3 no shows...

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