
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

feel more better

                 Here's another organization with a mission to change the world.

Feel More Better is on a mission to make the world a happier place for women and girls, and as part of that, they have launched a women's contemporary t-shirt collection, StoryTee's.

With every StoryTee purchased, Feel More Better gives a new book to an underprivileged little girl through their partners at in Washington, DC, one of the country's leading literacy organizations.
I want this one:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Birthday Haiku

Waiting for Friday
Celebrating A Birthday
Mel is Twenty-Five!

I'm leaving the Puget Sound tomorrow to head down to Portland. Time to celebrate another year with a best friend! A year ago today I wrote this post . We are all growing up so fast!

Looking forward to driving down to some good tunes, stopping by one of my favorite fast food places,wine tasting and celebrating!

Friday, August 17, 2012

You Are Not A Number

Change your thoughts. 
The number on the scale does not define who you are. 
Pay attention to what your body is telling you. 
How do you feel? 
Do your clothes fit? 
Do you have energy?
Stop comparing. 
Your worth is not determined by the size of your jeans. 
Commit to loving yourself. 
Believe in health. 
Strive for strength, not skinny. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Spider Homicide

In less than a week, I have found two very large, and vicious looking spiders in my home. Normally, I have compassion for tiny creatures. Sometimes I will even go out of my way to save them. For example, I will stop to pick up a slug and save him from being smooshed into concrete. Or , I will try to catch a moth and release him into freedom outside.

My kind-hearted efforts do not apply when it comes to spiders.

I will spot you, dear spiders. Once I have spotted you, I will first cry out into a fit of terror. Then, after finding composure I will plan my attack.

What weapon should I use? Are you small enough for a paper towel? No. Too big. If I hit you with something, will you scurry away to never be found, thus forcing me to move out? Would a shoe kill you? What about a bat?

I did not hesitate when I murdered these two eight legged monsters. One by baseball bat, the other squished by boot.

No remorse, I tell ya. Even if Charlotte herself appeared in my tub...I'd kill her.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


was a bitch.

1000 meter row

33 lb Squat Thursters, 50 reps

30 Pull Ups

For Time.

My time? 13 minutes and 40 some seconds. I'll get there....

I'm tired. My arms are dead... And I smell like rubber. Not sure why.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Cute Friend Idea

Melinda and Karylin, I think we should do this: 

Five Friends  take the same photo every 5 years. 

I think it would be more fun to do it every year, since there's just three of us it could be easier. :) What a fun idea!! 

I think this is the last photo shoot we've had of us 3. 

Love you girls. 

Have a Wonderful Weekend

My Mama is currently on her way up to spend the weekend with us. Tonight we are all going to a concert in the park to see Barenaked Ladies, Blues Traveler and Cracker. So much fun! Tomorrow, I am making french toast (so excited for a "cheat day") and we'll probably do a little mall shopping, and perhaps go to a tattoo place to just… uh… check it out. :) 

Enjoy the weekend! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Creative Art: Bob Dylan

I'm completely fascinated by Bob Egan's PopSpots, a website dedicated to tracking down the sites of famous films, photographs, and paintings in New York City. "Manhattan is constantly being torn down and rebuilt anew," Bob writes, "And I'm trying to find these places while they are still around." 
Among the many, he tracked down sites of Bob Dylan's video and album covers.

Original Video Here:

The Subterranean Homesick Blues

Bob Dylan holds a special place in my heart. On an off note, I am thinking about a few tattoo ideas. One of them is getting the Bob Dylan Eye somewhere on me.... maybe apart of my quarter sleeve. : )