
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I had the hardest time waking up this morning. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of rough mornings, but today was brutal.

Sore from last night's workout, and from staying up late watching my new Fall shows (yay for New Girl & Mindy Kaling's new show)...I just needed one (okay, two) more hours of cozy darkness. Speaking of darkness... Waking up without the sun doesn't help.

I'm a night person, and in the morning I turn into a real bitch. I think my sleeping habits (err...bedtime habits) have to change....


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy 1st Day of Fall

When people think of fall, they may think of the colorful changing leaves, warm sweaters, nostalgic flavored lattes and of course, pumpkins…. 

Normally, my head is filled with those glorious things as well. After all, fall is my favorite time of year. 

However, THIS fall… I am thinking, "This is my LAST year of grad school!!" as well as, "Please… let me get through this." 

So, I grab my mug filled with warm pumpkin flavored coffee and say to you….

"Cheers to fall, and the loss of my sanity." 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Four Years

I can't believe it's been a year since this post. The past year has been amazing. We've gone on several trips, continued to explore our city, made new friends, and continued to grow both individually and as partners.

The coming year will be full of changes and excitement. Graduations, new jobs and a move are all in our future. I feel so blessed to have Noah next to me through all the ups and downs. There truly is never a dull moment.

Happy Anniversary, Noah! I adore you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

An Event: Sandra Fluke

The next few campaign months will be both inspirational, and outright maddening. Depending upon which party you are standing with, of course. 

In this moment… I have chills and I stand with Sandra Fluke.  

Life Lately

There are 18 days remaining until I begin my final year of grad school, and also my new (rather exciting) internship. Once again, I will need to find my own way of balancing: working full-time, school, internship, remaining active and healthy, and being present for the loving and ever supportive boyfriend, friends and family. Geesh... One more year... One.More.Year.

In this time off, I have made sure to spend time sleeping, working out, and getting much needed quality time with the ones I love.

Here are a few photos:
A rival coworker and I prepared for the new season. 
Celebrating Ms. Melinda
Wonderful day of wine tasting. 
Amazing UW Cohort - Class of 2013 :) 
Snuggle Party 
A beautifully carved canoe on Lake Union 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Tuesday Obsession

I want to be this kid's friend.