
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

On this Thanksgiving... I am thankful for...

1)      First and foremost, my health. Over this past year I have grown so much from the physical activities of roller derby and crossfit. I am thankful that my body is strong enough to do the things I love to do.
2)      My Family. I am so thankful that I have a family (that continues to grow) whom I can rely on no matter what. My mother has always been my best friend, and my biggest supporter. I can’t imagine who I would be without her unconditional love and encouragement. I am blessed with two dads who offer their (solicited and unsolicited) ‘fatherly’ advice; they think the world of me.

3)      My friends. School, work and my internship has made me a very busy girl. My friends have stuck by my side offering me endless support and understanding. They are always there when I need to talk, and most importantly, when I need to laugh. Once I graduate and I’m operating on “normal” hours, I owe them a lot of my time.
4)      My Education. Even though it is often the source of my stress, I never forget how fortunate and privileged I am for this opportunity.
5)      My job. Though it may not be what I want to do forever (what first job is?) I have gained so much knowledge and experience. I also love my coworkers and the mission behind the work we do.
6)      My home. A warm bed. Food in my kitchen. Transportation. Healthcare. My retirement fund.
7)      Coffee, tea and anything with chocolate and peanut butter.
8)      The ocean. Sometimes in a world full of chaos, the salt air is the only thing that will make me sane. My ocean, the Pacific, is my religion.
9)      My pup, Theo. May seem silly if you can’t relate to being a dog owner. But this little creature loves me for no reason at all. He will lick my face raw, and will cuddle for hours. He makes me laugh everyday and for that I am thankful.
10)   Last but not least…. My guy, Noah. He is my best friend who I get to cuddle and kiss whenever I want. When I am at my weakest, he makes me stronger. We are (slowly) becoming adults together, and it is so much fun to grow and challenge ourselves both individually and as a couple. He makes the hard things not seem so hard, and the fun things even more enjoyable.

I am one lucky girl, and so very very thankful.

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