
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Super Suck Sunday

1) Going 13 days straight without a day off. Today is day 8..... ugh.
2) As a result of number one... I have no idea where I am supposed to be everyday. I literally had to write a reminder on my hand, “Go to work Friday. Don't get on a bus.” Someday I will have a normal routine.
3) Job searching.Nuff said.
4) Our pup may or may not have ingested a 1-inch long plastic needle. In addition, he gnawed on a container of dental floss with no indication of how much floss he ate... equally shitty....
5) Now we are intently monitoring how/what he shits. Awesome

1) Hand sanitizer. Seriously, this stuff is unreal. I feel like it gives my hands a special germ-free forcefield.
2) Nailing a recipe you made up all on your own. I'll share it here soon. Boom.
3) By no means do I think homelessness is funny. Clearly, as I am currently working 20 hours a week at a homeless shelter.... BUT... the sign I saw a guy holding this morning warranted a chuckle. It read: “Need money for SCUBA lessons. Mermaids kidnapped my family.” I handed him $5 just for his creativity.
4) Having something to look forward to.... like graduation...a massage appointment, or a visit from a friend.Makes the daily grind somewhat bearable.
5) I have become increasingly obsessed with Pho'. It's warm, healthy and delicious. I have it at least once a week. I took this photo via my instagram– cute, huh?

I Heart Pho'

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