
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Top 6: Rules of An Apology

Tendering a genuine apology when an apology is due can go a long way to repair a disconnection following a fight.  Saying “I’m sorry” may sound easy (or for those who are stubborn, maybe not) but there’s actually a right way, and a wrong way to do so. Here's how to apologize wisely and well.
The next time you offer an apology--or, you're on the receiving end of an apology that doesn't cut it-- remember this:
1.  A true apology needs to be sincere. An “I’m sorry.” should not be a quick way to get out of a predicament or a fight.
2. A true apology does not include the word “but” (“I’m sorry, but …”).  “But” automatically cancels out an apology, and nearly always introduces a criticism or excuse.
3. A true apology keeps the focus on your actions—and not on the other person’s response. For example, “I’m sorry that you felt hurt by what I said at the party last night” is not an apology. Try instead, “I’m sorry about what I said at the party last night. It was insensitive and uncalled for.” Own your behavior and apologize for it—period.
4. A true apology doesn’t get caught up in who is to blame and who started it. Maybe you’re only 14% to blame and the other person provoked you. It can still help to simply say, “I’m sorry for my part in this.” 
5. A true apology does not demand or request forgiveness. Of course, you hope that the other person will forgive you. But a true apology does not ask the other person to do anything—not even to forgive. Also a serious hurt or betrayal requires repair work over time, and is never healed simply by saying “I’m sorry.”
6. A true apology requires that you do your best to avoid a repeat performance. Obviously, it doesn’t help to apologize with a grand flourish and then continue the very behavior you are apologizing for; Passionate expressions of remorse are empty if you don’t put sincere effort into ensuring that there is no repeat performance.

BONUS- Number 7: When you are really sorry...Flowers, candy... or even a coffee... never hurts.
Postscript: If the other person is an entrenched non-apologizer, don’t get into tug of war about it. Some people cannot or will not apologize. He or she may have another way of re-connecting after a fight, show you he’s in new place and wants to move on.
Accept the olive branch however it’s offered. Focus on becoming a “good apologizer” yourself and model the behavior you want to see in others.
Take the high road. It’s hard. And it’s worth it.

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