
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Suck Sunday


  • Without being at all dramatic, and in all seriousness.... I think this week was my worst...ever. A minor miscommunication at work has turned into something awful, and I received some bad (will get better with time) news from my parents. Thank goodness I have adaptive coping skills.
  • Spilling coffee all over my phone and keyboard. Seriously?
  • Senioritis. I have just two class sessions left, and my motivation is decreasing with each passing minute. I love the class, but I'm ready to be done!
  • Not having any good music, and desperately hoping Pandora will provide something wonderful. If you have any suggestions, let me know!
  • Seattle parking sucks. Period.

  • I met a CrossFit goal! I completed my first workout without using the bands when doing pull-ups. For those who may not understand...just know... this is kind of a big deal!
  • My bestie comes to visit in T-Minus 5 days. At this point, girl time is imperative to my mental health.
  • Received my official graduation audit, and it's perfect. This means: I am set to graduate in June!
  • I finished an amazing book.... more to come on the amazingness of this book.
  • With all the crap that happened this week, Noah was sweet enough to make us dinner and I came home to this gorgeous arrangement.

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