
Thursday, March 14, 2013


The CrossFit Open is in its second week, and the new workout was announced yesterday.
Workout 13.2
10 minute AMRAP of:
5 Shoulder to overhead, 115 for men / 75 lbs for women
10 Deadlift, 115 for men / 75 lbs for women
15 Box jump, 24 for men / 20 inch for women

The weight is fairly light so the workout is more about technique and pushing through utter discomfort. Noah and I completed the workout just a few hours after it was announced. We sweat, screamed and both thought we were going to die in that gym. But, we didn’t.
The workout is scored by how many reps you completed. I completed 5 rounds with an additional 13 reps. My overall score: 163
I know I can do better.
I may try the workout again on Sunday to see if I can improve my score…
Because I am just that insane.
If you’re interested in watching the top athletes… see below. Julie Foucher's score was 274 reps. Yeah... gives a bit more perspective on how beastly these athletes are, huh?

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