
Thursday, March 28, 2013

One Question

This beautiful video asks one simple question...
“What do you regret in life?”
At first, people stand there and ponder…probably skimming through the millions of choices they’ve made throughout their lives. Were there missed opportunities? Should they have taken that job? Should they have not dated that girl? Gone back to school?
Regardless of age... 20 or 78…. Most people had a response.While the concept of regret has a depressive undertone, this video offers some insight to wisdom. Just listen to the responses…
Many said they would have done something sooner. Some regret they didn’t move to a different country sooner, or marrying someone sooner. One woman wished she would have started “living for joy sooner”.
“Not taking enough deep breaths and enjoying the moment.”
“Not living my life to the fullest.”
Some said they don’t regret anything, and to… “Take life as it comes.”
There’s a lesson here… if you choose to see it. I personally try not to regret the choices I have made and instead try to learn from them.  While watching these strangers contemplate their regrets, here are a few I can come up with, and what I learned from them:
I regret not telling my brother that I love him.             
Say “I love you” more.
I should have studied abroad.                                       
Make time (and money) to travel.
I regret some hurtful things I’ve said.                          
Choose your words wisely.
I wish I would have spent less time wanting to grow up, and more time enjoying my youthful freedom.
Be present. Enjoy the time, moment, and breath you have while you are in it.
Do you have regrets... or things you wish you would have done differently? What have you learned from them? 

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I think we all have regrets, whether we want to admit it or not. Personally, I have one "regret" but like you said, I would rather use it as a learning experience. It changed me and how I approach life and my choices. Great post and video!
