
Monday, April 8, 2013

A List of 10: Things I Wish I Could Do

  1. Sewing: I wish I could make quilts, clothes... whatever. I can sew on a button, but that's where my talent ends.
  2. Blow Dry My Own Hair: It's impossible. Sure, the fact that my hair is down to my booty makes it hard... but I've never been able to blow dry my hair so it doesn't look like a frizzy nest. 
  3. Properly Cook Tofu: You would think...being a vegetarian and all...that I could cook yummy tofu. I can't. 
  4. Paint My Nails Without Messing Them Up: I have zero patience to sit and wait for my nails to dry. So, like a fool... I will try and multi task and will inevitably ding my wet nail on something. Every.Single.Time. 
  5. Walk On My Hands: Sounds weird, I know. But it's some crazy CrossFit victory if you can walk on your hands....maybe someday. :)
  6. Walk into Target and only get what I ACTUALLY NEED: This has been a goal of mine since college. It's sad how little self control I have...
  7. Run...Without needing to be chased: I hate running.
  8. Keep My Car Clean: I've never been one to have a clean car. My backseat is the home for shoes, scarves, Tupperware, and several water bottles....
  9. Tell a Joke Without Messing it Up: I am the worst joke teller.... ever.
  10. Sing My Heart Out 

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