
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Super Suck Sunday

  1. Having to deal with public restroom grossness. Whether it's someone who didn't flush, or a lingering smell... it's surprising how disgusting women's restrooms can be.
  2. April showers. We had plans to go to the Tulip Festival on Saturday, but decided to cancel due to the rain. Hopefully the weather will be better next weekend.
  3. Friday night is usually gym night. So, Friday... we ran a 5K. Remember... I DO NOT RUN!
That's all I can think of .... there's a lot more SUPER going on.


  1. But hey!! I completed my first 5K! Yea, although I absolutely hate running, I was surprised at how well I did. Maybe I'll sign up for a 5K sometime soon. :)
  2. Receiving compliments from complete strangers. C'mon, every girl needs her ego stroked every once in awhile. 
  3. My birthday is in 10 days! That's pretty super! 
  4. Finding new makeup! I have fallen in love with Bobbi Brown! Her makeup is a bit pricey, but I love how long it lasts and how natural it looks. 
  5. Applying for Graduation!!!!! 60 days away!!

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