
Monday, September 23, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Meet B-Girl, Terra

This little lady is pretty rad. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's not December

Christmas decorations should not be in stores right now.

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the changing leaves, the cool days and wearing scarves and sweaters. Everything turns pumpkin flavored, and it becomes socially acceptable to wear dark nail polish. 

Why do we try to rush through this season? I want to see seasonal decor during their appropriate season.


Again, it's September. 
September does not equal Christmas. 

<end rant>

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In The News: 50 Years Ago...

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historical “I Have a Dream” speech.

The 50th anniversary will be commemorated in D.C. and is being billed as a gathering for those with unfinished business: immigrant, gay-rights and labor groups, the unemployed, the underemployed, the disenfranchised. Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of President John F. Kennedy, will speak, as will Lynda Johnson Robb, the daughter of President Lyndon Johnson. Other speakers include Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker, Jamie Foxx, President Obama and former Presidents Clinton and Carter.

I wish I could be there.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Compassion Fatigue

If you're sick
broken or addicted
and trying to hold on...

Important thing to remember
get hurt and die or
heal and recover
In which case
everyone can get over it
and you can keep more friends that way

"It’s the hanging around in between that really pisses people off”
their attention span for compassion is limited
they hate to be reminded of being human
It’s not what we do best
It’s not that they don’t care
They do!
They are very happy if you became well
     they just want an outcome
     they just want to know if they’re going to a funeral or a parade
in which case
their out fits are ready
They do not know what to wear when you are in the middle between dying and recovering
They do not know where to put the emphasis in your name
which direction the corners of the mouth turn
They do not know what to say when co-workers ask casually about you
simple water cooler conversations become eulogies of the person you were
They say your name as if re-enacting the agony you're in

Time takes time
that’s exactly what they're trying to hold onto
and it is all you need.

We Americans have heroes
not patience.
We have special little places to put loved ones
not healing quick enough
children can’t stand to see their heroes fallen
shitting themselves
memories fading
bones brittle
and hearts patched up
So we put them in a safe place
sit them in a wheelchair
overlooking a beautiful lake
sending beautiful flowers
to brighten their room
It makes us feel compassionate
We roll out the fallen heroes
through back doors of airports
so the public can’t see the
causalities of freedom

Like an 18 year old soldier hit
by a road side bomb
that ripped off his legs
we can’t bear
to see our tough soldier
in pain of missing his boots
frantically reaching above his head
where he last saw them
we support them by
sighing in grief
when we hear their name on T.V.
or applaud them in their return
with pale faces
and painkiller grins
It makes us feel compassionate

We do not want to hear that
Corporal Jones just had his 12th surgery
and is now starting an
18 month physical therapy session and
is back to reading green eggs and ham

We want an outcome
Not the process

We throw the word support around
like the word freedom
   Support our troops
   Support our friends
   Support our loved ones

The word support means:
To bear the weight of
To hold up
To be capable of bearing; withstand
To keep from weakening or failing
To give of yourself and time

The hardest part in all of this is seeking no reward

We think support is
keeping them in our thoughts
between my ass itches and I need to get laid?
I’m here for you
between cell phone calls
text messaging and
Google Calendar appointments
When can you schedule me in?
Let me know if you need anything
I do
I need your bearing

Our problem isn’t lack of health care
It’s the lack of caring for someone's health
for life
the fragile parts
It’s the time given
to let bones fuse together or
withdrawals to dissipate
It’s dealing and recognizing we are so
v e r y
and easily

We run faster than we heal
we shouldn’t wear watches
no longer gauge our days by
the ticking of the clock
but by our number of breaths and
a weak heart beating stronger with each breath

It’s simple
these days are simple
they move slow like concrete
asking for help is hard
a phone becomes
an eight' hundred pound weight
so please stop saying
you’ll pray for me
pray with me
don’t just ask
if there is anything you can do
just be there
show up
become patient
bear with me

Monday, July 1, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life Lately


Since Graduation, I’ve been…..
·         Taking naps
·         Reading for pleasure
·         Watching TV
·         Getting massages
·         Getting pedicures
·         Going to the gym more
·         Playing with adorable babies
·         Planning a trip to California
·         Planning a trip to Vegas
·         Passively job searching
·         And overall doing whatever I want… whenever I want!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Graduation Day!!

        Christina Marie Martinez, MSW

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

Little Boy Learns Where Meat Comes From

This adorable boy talks with his mother about why he doesn't want to eat octopus. His logic makes complete sense to me. And another vegetarian is born.  :)

You can see the article HERE.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Social Work

This work. . .


and exhausting

drives me up a wall

... and opens doors I never imagined

lays bare a wide range of emotions

yet leaves me feeling numb beyond belief

provides tremendous satisfaction

and leaves me feeling profoundly helpless

evokes genuine empathy

and provides a fearsome intolerance within me

puts me in touch with deep suffering

and points me toward greater wholeness

brings me face to face with many poverties

and enriches me encounter by encounter

renews my hope

and leaves me grasping for faith

enables me to envision a future

but with no ability to control it

breaks me apart emotionally

and breaks me open spiritually

leaves me wounded

and heals me

-Laurel Tepper


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Freedom is Near

6 more days of Practicum
14 more days until graduation

I have so much to do in 14 days, and all I can think about is the Friday AFTER graduation. I will have a house packed with family, and I will not want to get out of bed. I'm exhausted!!

I couldn't relate to this list more: 19 Signs You Are Burned Out (And Probably Need A Vacation)

Specifically numbers 7 and 18.

^How I will feel in 2 weeks!^

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday's Shower

I can hear you
making small holes
in the silence

If I were deaf
the pores of my skin
would open to you
and shut

And I
should know you
by the lick of you
if I were blind

the something
special smell of you
when the sun cakes
the ground

the steady
drum-roll sound
you make
when the wind drops

But if I
should not hear
smell or feel or see

you would still
define me
disperse me
wash over me

-Hone Tuwhare 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

On this day we honor the men and women who have given their lives so that we may have the freedoms we enjoy in our country. My heart goes out to their families and friends on this day, their day, our Memorial  Day. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Lynnwood CrossFit

My CrossFit gym, Lynnwood CrossFit, just released this awesome video. I think the video does a great job of describing CrossFit, and how it's different than the mainstream club gyms. I never thought a gym could change the way I see fitness, or even better...the way I view my body.

Check it out:

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Case of the Mondays


• I woke up with a headache...
•After being away from work for a week, I had multiple messes to clean up...
• Still have a headache 

But... Bright side of things? 
• 24 more days until graduation
• I reserved a picnic area to have my grad party! 
• 24 more days until graduation! 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Rain Room

To keep up the theme of This Post...

This is another reason why New York is amazing. 

A new interactive exhibit Rain Room opened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, New York. Heavy rain pours down in an enormous room, but when you step into the rain, the area directly over your head dries up. So you can walk, dance and kiss in the rain without getting wet.... 

"The overall effect is mesmerizing," reported
Gothamist. "A semi-blinding white klieg light at the back of the room disorients your field of vision while highlighting the millions of individual raindrops showering down around you on all sides. The motion sensors are so sensitive that you can sweep your arm through the deluge and still keep your shirt dry. Move too quickly, however, and you can get good and soaked if want."

I wonder what Matt Love would say about this?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bus Stories

Riding public transit can get boring. In an effort to entertain myself, that doesn't involve social media, I started playing a game. What's the game? It's simple really...

I look around the bus, and make up stories about people. 

Here were today's characters: 

The guy with the Spider-Man sweatshirt and Bose headphones hasn't had a girlfriend since high school. Could be the collection of unopened Troll Dolls. 

That couple holding hands... They have 4 cats, and he paints her toenails every Sunday. 

The woman reading the book about depression is concerned about her mother… she's been dead for 3 years. 

The man watching Grey's Anatomy on his iPhone is a devoted fan, and has a cardboard cutout of McDreamy in his bedroom. 

The young girl with chipped black nails eats Nutella off a spoon, like me. 

Pretty fun, huh? 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Do you belive in God?

A meditator asked me "Do you believe in god?"
I said nothing.

He asked me again. "Then you don't believe?"
I said nothing.

He wanted a verbal answer. So I said, "I neither believe nor disbelieve."

He asked "Are you an agnostic?" I said, "No".

He wanted a clarification. I said, "If you believe it, you are trapped. If you disbelieve, you are still trapped."

I asked him what is God. He said, "God is the creator of the universe." I asked him then, "What is the creator of the God?" He paused in contemplation for a moment and said "It is the mind."

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Book to Read: Of Walking in Rain by Matt Love

Dark clouds pushed from the south creating a shadow over the Puget Sound. While some grabbed their repellent coats and umbrellas, I didn't even lift my hood. The rain fell, and I walked calmly to the bus stop. After boarding the bus and selectively finding a seat, I pulled out my new book. A new piece of Oregon literature, my eyes settle in to an author's collection of essays describing his experiences love affair with...rain.

After turning a few pages, an over-sized man who before boarding the bus used his backpack as some makeshift umbrella leaned toward me and said,

"Well that's a little ironic isn't it?"

I must have given him a look he interpreted as a prompt to elaborate. He continued,

"Well, you're dripping wet with rain and you're reading a book called, Of Walking in Rain."

I grinned and said, "Guess so," and continued reading. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Banana Breakfast Cookies

A delicious breakfast on-the-go treat that isn't packed full of calories and sugar. Also, it's super simple to make and who doesn't want cookies for breakfast?!


1 Banana 
6 TBS Natural Peanut Butter  
2 TBS Natural Almond Butter 
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp Nutmeg  


•Preheat oven to 350
•Mash the banana in a bowl until creamy 
•Mix in nut butters and spices until well blended (will become thicker the more you mix) 
•Place spoon size batter onto greased cookie sheet 
•Place in oven for about 12 minutes or until cookies are firm (be careful not to burn the bottom) 
•Let cool and enjoy

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Criticism of a Women's Body

A very inspirational woman took her camera and did what many (including myself) would fear. 

She decided to capture people's reactions to her body.  

You can view her powerful photo series HERE

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An Even BIGGER Surprise!

Even though I am back in the groove of a lot of work, and no play... My mind and heart are still at the beach. Noah went above and beyond this birthday. Not only did he surprise me with a beach house getaway, but he coordinated with my two best friends to plan the ultimate surprise!

Right before Noah and I headed to dinner Friday night, my two best friends pulled up the drive! What?! They came to stay the weekend with us! AMAZING! A birthday weekend away with my guy AND my two besties? 
Bravo, guys. Bravo! We enjoyed the beach, several glasses...err...bottles of wine, homemade (by Melinda) pizza, dirty Scrabble, 90's radio, and wonderful conversation.
Thank you for a wonderful birthday... I couldn't have asked for a better one. :)

This is my really confused face after spotting Melinda and Karylin.... 
I had no idea what was happening.

For more photos of the trip....

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Beach House Getaway

Just a short post about where we're spending our weekend! We packed the car up and headed out yesterday. We drove for 4 hours before I had any idea of where we were going! Either Noah is really good at surprises, or I'm really oblivious.

Our destination? A gorgeous beach house on the Oregon Coast! Oh the romance!

Cheers to a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


While it's lame I have to work all day, I do have fun plans for tonight! We are going to the gym (I know, I think the gym is fun) and then we are going out for drinks and grub with our gym friends.

I have 4 days off, and apparently there are special top secret plans for this weekend. My bestie knows what's happening, but she's not offering any hints! Have to say...I am pretty impressed by Noah's ability to keep quiet.
I am so excited to celebrate...

Gotta love birthdays!


days until graduation!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top 6: Things to Know When Starting CrossFit

I have been doing CrossFit for about 9 months now. I have turned this form of fitness into a habit, a passion or dare I say… addiction? Challenging my mind and body in this way has changed me as a person, and I never thought I could say that about working out. Here are my tips to those (especially women) who are interested in stepping into a box.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Trip to the Tulips

The weather held out and we were able to visit the Tulip Festival on Saturday. While there weren't blue skies, and it was a bit chilly... it didn't rain!


There are signs posted everywhere, "Do not step between rows." I'm a rebel, clearly.

I love when nice strangers offer to take our photo. :)

After the tulips, we got lunch and splurged on dessert. Look at this gigantic Cream Puff!!! Even the server didn't think we could finish it!

We proved him wrong.
Also, Happy Earth Day!!

Every day I try to make an effort to care for our planet. I always have my reusable grocery bags, I try and reduce my amount of waste, and I recycle, recycle, recyle! Did you know, the concept of Earth Day came from a Wisconsin Senator in 1970? Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies. You don't see much of that now.  
If you're interested, check out the video below.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

An Adorable Proposal

Our Story in Letters - Mike and Dave's Engagement from TorontoDave on Vimeo.

With only the written word, and a lot of planning ... this boyfriend proposed in the most adorable way. I wish I knew them so I could say "Congrats!!" 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Super Suck Sunday

  1. Having to deal with public restroom grossness. Whether it's someone who didn't flush, or a lingering smell... it's surprising how disgusting women's restrooms can be.
  2. April showers. We had plans to go to the Tulip Festival on Saturday, but decided to cancel due to the rain. Hopefully the weather will be better next weekend.
  3. Friday night is usually gym night. So, Friday... we ran a 5K. Remember... I DO NOT RUN!
That's all I can think of .... there's a lot more SUPER going on.


  1. But hey!! I completed my first 5K! Yea, although I absolutely hate running, I was surprised at how well I did. Maybe I'll sign up for a 5K sometime soon. :)
  2. Receiving compliments from complete strangers. C'mon, every girl needs her ego stroked every once in awhile. 
  3. My birthday is in 10 days! That's pretty super! 
  4. Finding new makeup! I have fallen in love with Bobbi Brown! Her makeup is a bit pricey, but I love how long it lasts and how natural it looks. 
  5. Applying for Graduation!!!!! 60 days away!!