
Friday, April 29, 2011

Healthy & Delicious

I love new recipes! A friend of mine made this delicious salad for a potluck, and I just HAD to get the recipe. It's easy, healthy and delicious! You can't go wrong. I made it last night, and had it for a scrumptious lunch!  You should have some too!

Quinoa Edamame Salad 


1 cup Quinoa - (this is usually found in the "healthy" section of the store, where the pastas are)
2 cup water, vegetable broth or chicken broth for meat eaters (for boiling, broth gives it more flavor)

1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/4 cup chopped mint
1/2 cup chopped scallions
1 cucumber, seeded and chopped
1 1/2 cup grap tomatoes
2 cup frozen edamame (cooked per package directions)

1 cup feta cheese, to sprinkle on top

Vinaigrette Dressing

1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, minced
salt & pepper to taste


Place Quinoa and water (or broth) in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer. Cover and cook until all the liquid is absorbed (about 15 minutes).

Mix all ingredients (except feta) in a bowl and toss thoroughly. The mixture will be warm and a bit saucy - this is okay. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Let marinate for 1/2 hour if you can. Refrigerate. It's best cold, as it will thicken. Sprinkle with feta when ready to eat.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Top 6: What I Don't Understand About Fashion

Preface: I will NEVER call myself a "fashionista". I love fashion. I enjoy shopping for clothes and putting some amount of effort into looking presentable. I love looking at magazines and watching T.V. shows that  discuss the "What to wear and what NOT to wear". I appreciate it… but sometimes… I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!!

Top 6: What I Don't Understand About Fashion 

1) Ugg Boots & A Skirt
I just don't get it! It logically just DOES NOT make sense! They are sheep lined boots! They are made for cold weather! Why are you wearing them with a skirt? Sure, you're showing off your legs and sometimes ass cheeks… but those boots are NOT made for walking. They are made for SNOW!

2) Bug Eyed Sunglasses
Sunglasses are supposed to protect you EYES from the sun… not your whole face.

3) Runway Fashion
Okay, I get that most of the stuff on the runway is not for walking down the street, or for us common folk who don't get to walk the red carpet…but seriously, some of the stuff on the catwalk shouldn't be on anyone. Who the hell would wear this? And, please… someone explain why THIS is considered fashion?

4) Weird Ass Shoes
I love shoes. I have too many a lot of shoes! But all my shoes, I can WALK in! Ya know, the whole point of wearing shoes?! Well, that and covering gross feet…. eeewww. Some shoes… are just ridiculous! Sure, they are strange and interesting… but if you make an ass of yourself wearing them… you asked for it. Ahem, Lady Gaga! 


5) Butt Writing 
I think Victoria Secret started this…or was it Juicy? Don't really care… it just needs to stop. It's a billboard on your ASS, and it makes you look _______________. 

6) Hair Bump
This one isn't really a "fashion trend" but… it's still ridiculous. A little "bump" can be okay… but when you have to BUY an accessory to shove under your hair… there's a problem. I thought it was going away… and then…and then… along came Snooki. Let it die ladies…let it die! 

So there you have it. The trends that I don't understand, and will not participate in. We must put a stop to this. If you see a girl (or guy) partaking in these terrible trends, you should pull them aside and let them know. Just say it… be honest… 

"You look awful. It's time to retire those Ugg boots, the 'Hottie' skirt, the Bumpit, and those large sunglasses. Just let them go." 

Wouldn't YOU want to know? 

Footnote: I do a "Top 6" because anyone can do a "Top 5". 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Body Art

I got my first tattoo when I turned 18.  It was not an act of rebellion, oh no. My parents were with me…and  believe it or not, my mom has more tattoos than I do. I have four now, and each one has it's own significance. I guess it should be that way; they are permanent. 

Tattoo #1: 
Where- between shoulder blades
What- A fairy sitting on a stargazer lily
Meaning: As I said, I was 18 when I got this one. It meant freedom. Not the "being 18" form of freedom, but the freedom to be yourself, freedom to be fun, and freedom to live.

Tattoo #2: 
Where- Back of the neck
What- Celtic Symbol - Land, Sea, and Sky
Meaning: I grew up on the Oregon Coast. Sitting on the ocean side was apart of my life. My favorite moments involve me sitting on the shore, toes in the sand, hearing the sound of the waves and watching the sunset.

Tattoo #3:
Where- Inner right ankle
What- Celtic Symbol - 3 Separate Female Figures
Meaning- My mother and I have this tattoo. It symbolizes my mother, myself and the relationship we have together.

Tattoo #4: 

Where-Left arm (shoulder)
What- Tree (of life)
Meaning- The coloring of this tattoo shows that it's Fall - the season of change. I am forever evolving, forever changing, but I always have my roots. 

I'm not done yet; I want more. Ask anyone who has ink, they are a bit addicting. I dream of a 1/4 sleeve, but I am waiting for the perfect moment. Meaning, I want to know what I am going to be doing for the rest of my life… gotta be professional I suppose. 

A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye.  As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the mortal human condition.  ~V. Vale and Andrea Juno, Modern Primitives

Monday, April 25, 2011

Super Suck Sunday (On a Monday)


  • People who use "pun intended" and air quotes. Not because I think it's cool... I just like to make fun of people who think it's cool. 
  • The feeling of having ALL your laundry done. *le sigh* Haven't felt that in awhile…
  • Witnessing random acts of kindness… kindness is contagious. 
  • Being blessed with so many fabulous people to spend your birthday with.


  • Not liking your practicum placement…I'll be negotiating a change tomorrow. 
  • Leaving your leftovers at the restaurant table, and not realizing it until you're home. 
  • Shoes that you really love, but they make your feet smell terrible!!!
  • Taking your pup to a 'pup friendly' outdoor mall, having him poop on the sidewalk…and before you have time to pick it up…a woman steps in it!! ALMOST my most embarrassing moment, almost. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Meet Theodore

Have you met my dog, Theo? If not, you SHOULD! He is an incredibly -lovable-lick-your-toes-the-cutest-dog-you’ll-ever-see Boston Terrier! 

Six months ago today, we rescued Theo. He was a stray from California and was put into a high-kill shelter. Fortunately, a rescue shelter brought him up to Washington, and was determined to find him a loving home. Well, they did!! Noah and I fell in love with him the moment we saw his big round eyes, and his tiny little snout!

It’s hard for us to even think about his life before us. What’s important is how spoiled he is now! If you’re thinking about getting a pet, I urge you to rescue from places like THIS. There are so many animals out there that need homes. 

Look how cute he is!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Birthday Earth Day

This weekend will be jam packed with fun things!! With Earth Day today, and my Birthday on Easter, I am just making a whole weekend of fun!


  • My super awesome Best friend is up visiting! Last night she made me her fabulous homemade pizza!  

  • Shopping day at U Village. I will be spoiling myself :) 
  • Celebrating Earth Day! Are YOU?????
  • Dinner with fabulous people (pictures will be taken to document)
  • Birthday BBQ for a Best Friend's life partner's birthday! Does that make sense? 
  • Something unknown but awesome for my actual birthday, Sunday. 

Happy Earth Day Everyone! Get Out and take care of HER.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Chapter 1. 

I walk down the street. 
There is a deep hold in the sidewalk. 
I fall in. 
I am lost…
I am helpless. 
It isn't my fault. 
It takes forever to find a way out. 

Chapter 2. 

I walk down the same street. 
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. 
I pretend I don't see it. 
I fall in again. 
I can't believe I am in the same place. 
But it isn't my fault. 
It still takes a long time to get out. 

Chapter 3. 

I walk down the same street. 
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. 
I see it is there. 
I still fall in…it's a habit. 
But, my eyes are open. 
I know where I am. 
It is my fault. 
I get out immediately. 

Chapter 4. 

I walk down the same street. 
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. 
I walk around it. 

Chapter 5. 

I walk down another street. 

Poem by Portia Nelson from her book, "There's a hole in My Sidewalk: The Romance of Self-Discovery"

My professor shared this poem with the class this past Saturday. This poem is powerful because everyone can relate to it, and it portrays a certain truth that people cannot readily articulate. We as humans will make a mistake, deny that it's our fault, continue the behavior, and then the cycle repeats. We abuse ourselves over and over again. What finally makes us wake up? What has to happen to make us aware of our own control? We've all been there. We suddenly wake up and the situation feels so familiar and you wonder, "How did I get here, again?" It takes strength to acknowledge there's an issue, and courage to evoke change.

It's one thing to be unhappy with something, but it's another thing to do nothing and expect the outcome to change. The holes will always be there…what will you do to avoid them?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • My birthday is ONE week away! 24 on the 24th! Woot! Woot! Friends, dinner plans, shopping, tulip festival, and surprise fun! That sounds SUPER-SUPER!!! 
  • We were able to take Theo to the dog park 3 times this week. The park is located right off the sound. It's great to get him out of the house, and he's just so cute when he plays until he's pooped! 

Before: running around in the water! 

After: pooped! 
  • BLOW POPS!!! My pink lemonade Blow Pops get me through a weekend of class. They are like CRACK on a stick!!! 
  • FINALLY having enough time (and courage) to start a shop for my art. Check me out, I'm on!!!!


  • Construction! Granted, I am oh so glad that they are repaving 15th Ave… but it sure is annoying when I am trying to make it to my 9 AM class!!!
  • Accidentally (don't ask me how) putting soap in my coffee-to-go. 
  • Sunburns suck, yes. BUT, what really sucks is that it's been so long since my face has been exposed to sun…that all it takes is a few hours at the dog park to get me a little pink in the face. Seriously? 
  • I think we are almost through another season of Mad Men. NOOOOOOO!!! 
Oh, Don. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Rockin' Latte' Girl

Have you ever sat in class for seven straight hours, two days in a row? Most people would answer no. Most people SHOULD answer no. It’s grueling, tiring, and completely uncomfortable. All this aside, these weekends spent in windowless rooms are actually enjoyable, thought provoking and worth it.

While I love getting up at 7 AM on a Saturday to sit and discuss power, privilege, theory and strategies to save the world of utter turmoil…do you know what really gets me out of bed??

A damn good latte’.

That’s right folks. The alarm goes off at 6:45 AM and I lay there thinking about a hot- freshly brewed-16 oz.-coconut-soy-latte. I am addicted. Fortunately, there is a fabulous barista right behind the Social Work building. She makes a rockin’ latte'. It’s always the perfect temperature, perfect amount of coconutty flavor AND the best thing of all… she knows I always have my own cup (GO GREEN, remember??)... WHAT A DOLL!

Tomorrow's class will be spent discussing counseling theory... 
I'll survive all seven hours…and I'll owe it to the rockin' latte' girl. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Pursuit of Happiness

If you want to be happy, be.
Leo Tolstoy

Have you noticed the happiness frenzy? Look in any bookstore and you will find dozens and dozens of books proclaiming they have the answer to everyone’s question: what can I do to be happy?
For some, happiness is a bottle of wine shared with a friend or partner. For others, happiness is a silent walk on the beach with a light rain. What is happiness? Well, to me happiness is not about smiling all of the time. It's not about eliminating bad moods, or trading your Tolstoy-inspired nuance and ambivalence toward people and situations for cheery pronouncements devoid of critical judgment. While the veritable experts lie in different camps and sometimes challenge one another, over the past decade they've together assembled big chunks of the happiness puzzle.

The most useful definition—and it's one agreed upon by neuroscientists, psychiatrists, behavioral economists, positive psychologists, and Buddhist monks—is more like satisfied or content than "happy" in its strict bursting-with-glee sense. It has depth and deliberation to it. It encompasses living a meaningful life, utilizing your gifts and your time, living with thought and purpose.
It's maximized when you also feel part of a community. And when you confront annoyances and crises with grace. It involves a willingness to learn and stretch and grow, which sometimes involves discomfort. It requires acting on life, not merely taking it in. It's not joy, a temporary exhilaration, or even pleasure, that sensual rush—though a steady supply of those feelings course through those who seize each day.

Happiness is a complex matter – hence all the books about it. What interests me is this: getting what you want, doesn’t always make you happy. You think happiness would arrive if you were to win the lottery, or would forever fade away if your home were destroyed in a flood. But human beings are remarkably adaptable. After a variable period of adjustment, we bounce back to our previous level of happiness, no matter what happens to us. (There are some scientifically proven exceptions, notably suffering the unexpected loss of a job or the loss of a spouse. Both events tend to permanently knock people down a notch.)

I feel that it is important to know ourselves well enough, and do the things that bring us joy and happiness. If you can’t think of anything, maybe it’s time you sit down, grab some paper and a pen…and think. What makes me happy?
My happiness list (in no particular order):

1.     Warm socks on cold feet
2.     New music
3.     The smell of the ocean
4.     Getting letters in the mail
5.     Coffee, Wine, Beer (Vices?)
6.     Being interrupted with a kiss (Taylor Swift said it best)
7.     Painting
8.     Laughing until I cry
9.     Doing something really dirty, and then getting really clean (weird one, huh?)
10  Going on a walk, and finding beautiful things 

Sometimes, it’s easy to lose ourselves amongst the chaos and demands of everyday life. It’s important to do something everyday that makes us happy. And I don’t need no fancy book to tell me that. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Be the Change

I am a non-disabled person. I am privileged because I can transport myself to anywhere I need to be. I know that when I go into a new building, I will be able to access any floor. I know that when I go to class, I will be able to communicate with the professor and my peers. I will admit, before I started at my current job… I never really thought of these things. There were things I didn’t understand and admittedly, made me uncomfortable. 

Disability has been present throughout human history in every culture and society, and the number of people with disabilities continues to increase. Of course, not everyone has a disability or will have a disability; but, among the dimensions of inequality and oppression, disability is an equal opportunity situation, in that anyone can become a part of at any time. 

In the news and other media, there is a lot of talk about racism, sexism, ageism and all the other ism’s. But how much attention does the discrimination against persons with disabilities get? Answer: Not much. I work with people with disabilities every day, and it has become a passion of mine to make an impact on the structural oppression of this population, and educate others.

So, here’s a little etiquette lesson and quiz….test yourself. 

1) Using these unacceptable terms commonly used to describe people with disabilities and disabling conditions, complete the following sentences:


____________ to a wheelchair.
____________ cerebral palsy.
____________  deaf.
Wheelchair ____________.
____________ of blindness.
____________ children.

2) Question: Where does the term “handicapped” come from?

3) True or False?  When speaking to a person who is blind, it is rude to use visual references, i.e., “Don’t you see my point?”

4) Under what circumstances would it be permissible to interact with the dog guide of a person who is blind or partially sighted?

5) When meeting a person who has a missing or artificial right hand, it is proper etiquette to:
            A) Wait for the person to offer to shake your hand
            B) Offer your left hand
            C) Offer your right hand as you would anybody else

My work has changed the way I see and interact with the world. Why? Answer: awareness. Think of something you don’t understand, or something that makes you uncomfortable, and I challenge you to face it. Learn more, become educated and then educate others. 

This is how change happens. 

2)Beggars who held caps in their hands
3)FALSE, there is no need to change your language to accommodate what YOU see as an “awkward” statement.
4) Proper etiquette is to ask before you interact with a guide dog – the pup is working!
5)C, again there is no need to give special treatment. It can be seen as an insult. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just for Fun

Depicted through several comics….here is my what my days have been looking like lately.

I've been staying up too late…not sleeping well…and my bed is just too comfy.

What it's like to live with a boy(friend)…..

Replace Tumblr with Blogspot, and this is how I procrastinate.

The Boyfriend may not always replace the toilet paper, but he sure knows how to make a girl feel special. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle… you lazy butts!

You know what I don’t understand about this world? More than people who don’t bother to vote and then carp on about taxes and how all politicians are the same? More than people who think that if you’re bisexual it means you’ll screw absolutely anyone (especially them)? What I don’t understand is the fact that people STILL don’t recycle! Yes, I’m being a bit dramatic. But…

Seriously people! It’s the year 2011, and cities and states have been making it more and more convenient for you to recycle! Yet, you still choose to throw your aluminum cans, glass bottles, and plastic bags in the dumpster! What. Is. Wrong. With. You?? Take the time to rinse out your cans, bottles and glasses! Find where your town recycling plant is. Contribute to our sustainability you lazy butts!

Now…This shouldn't be news to anyone, but just incase, here are some Tips:
  1. Use only the water you need, and reuse when possible.
  2. Help keep water clean by using biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  3. Dispose of solid and liquid wastes and medications safely. Many pharmacies have receptacles to drop off unused prescriptions.
  4. Protect your local water source from pollutants, excess pesticides and garbage.
  5. Save energy at home. Choose energy-saving appliances if they’re available. 
  6. Reuse. Upcycle! Take something that is disposable and transform it into something of greater use and value. Save your corks and bottle caps to make a creative frame or coaster. Save newspapers and do the old-newspaper-as-wrapping-paper trick!
  7. Recycle metals, plastics and paper – NO EXCUSES
  8. E-cycle. Recycle and/or properly dispose of electronic waste such as computers and other gadgets.
  9. When purchasing goods, opt for sustainable, recycled or reused resources. Choose items in less packaging. While those little convenient bags of carrots are great, just splurge for the big bag and use your reusable plastic ware. 
  10. And then…. the easiest and now the trendiest of them all: BYOB! Bring your own bag to the grocery store! You could even get fancy and RECYCLE a used pillowcase, sew some handles on it, and poof, there ya go! A trendy new grocery bag! Want more ideas like this? Click this !

April 22nd is Earth Day. While I am a firm believer that everyday is Earth Day, I am going to challenge you to celebrate this day. 

If you don’t already, establish recycling bins for your home. Look at your “trash” as a creative opportunity. Buy Energy Star Light bulbs and do the switch out (make sure to properly dispose of the old light bulbs). Check out to see how.

Being lazy or uneducated is NOT an excuse! Consider yourself educated! We are sharing this planet, and we must work together to take care of her.

So, what will YOU do to celebrate Earth Day? 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Super Suck Sunday

  • Teaching the pup how to "shake"
  • Experiencing the most heavenly massage
  • Knee is finally starting to feel better: see last week's Super Suck Sunday
  • Dad is recovering well from surgery, and he's coming home today!
  • Being proud of my super-duper-awesome bowl!
You can view the before here
  • The disappointment of eating the last bite of something without realizing it.
  • SNOW IN APRIL! Grrrr! 
  • Being in a public restroom stall, without toilet paper…and no one is around to lend you a hand..or er... a few squares. 
  • Only having 4 more days before class and I am COMPLETELY procrastinating my readings!  
  • A friend losing someone very close to her. You and your family are in my thoughts. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Relax, it's the weekend!

This week I have had very little motivation to do anything but wait for the weekend! Tomorrow, I have a massage scheduled! Yes, I am paying to get naked and touched by a stranger and it is going to be fabulous!! I just want to be rubbed and relax to the smell of lavender and the sound of meditation music.

The rest of the weekend will be spent reading for class, and trying to plan my birthday that's in just a few weeks! I am thinking about asking someone for this or maybe these …?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

No Bake is Awesome

My office is pretty big on "Appreciation Days". I just think it is an excuse to get away from our cubicles and gorge ourselves with food. Regardless, I appreciate Appreciation Days.

Tomorrow we are appreciating our volunteer, Bob. We all call him, Volunteer Bob. You can too. He's awesome and deserves his own special party. We are celebrating potluck style and I am bringing: Chocolate Peanut- Butter No Bake Cookies. For recipe, see here.

They are SUPER easy, and even more DELICIOUS! My significant other (we'll call him, Noah) even gets jealous.

"Are you making enough for me  us?"

    I suggest using crunchy peanut-butter…it gives it a little extra something. num num !

Back to Blogspot

As you can see, I made some posts back in September. I started school, got really busy…and then started another blog on another site. Well, I decided to come back here!
So, here I am!

An official post will be up in oh… a few hours.

Until then… check out this silly picture