
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • Sandal suntans 
  • The feeling of something warm coming out of the dryer. I washed my favorite comforter, and wrapped it around me as it came out of the dryer. So cozy!! 
  • Finding a new little restaurant. A few friends of mine discovered a little wine place - it was incredible. Delicious wines, cheeses, baguettes, olives and great conversation. Fabulous way to end a day of class. 
  • Speaking of comforters…. I stepped into Athropologie today and fell in LOVE with THIS BEDDING SET . If anyone is wanting to get me something…at ANY time… consider this! Isn't it absolutely stunning? 


  • My cRaZy ass agenda: Work Mondays-Thursdays, Practicum Fridays, School Saturday, and …. RELAX on Sundays. Most of the time I'm on Robot mode… 
  • Eating a pound of Rainer Cherries in one sitting. Why does that suck you ask? The cherries were gone. 
  • Vacuums 
  • Sitting in your car at a red light… minding your own damn business… rocking out to a little Bob Dylan… and all of a sudden… through your sunroof….a birds aims perfectly enough…  ands shits on your arm. double-u tee eff. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh Baby!

Okay, so it will be a LLLOOOOOONNNNNGGG time from now (Sorry, Mom)… 
but when I have a baby, I will totally be doing this. 
How amazing is this? 

Here's a cute video of a couple finding out their baby's sex. They asked their doctor to write down "boy" or "girl," and without looking, they gave the piece of paper to a baker. Then the baker made a cake—with either blue cake for a boy, or pink cake for a girl—covered with white icing. Finally, that night, the couple invited friends and family over while they cut the cake...and revealed the cake color!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Are You Feeling Today?

Couldn't control my emotions today. Usually my only issue is figuring out WHY I am feeling something. Today….  I didn't even know WHAT I was feeling. 

I needed to take control.

I needed to pinpoint my emotions. 

I knew what I had to do. 

I had to pull out the Feelings Chart. 

Not only did I pull out the Feelings Chart…

but I had to color it. 

Double-dose of therapy. 

I'm in school to be a counselor. What else would you expect? 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Girl Crush: Christina Perri

Ever so often I get a new girl crush. It usually starts with her voice. I had a huge crush on Hayley from Paramore after I heard this: 

Now, I love Christina Perri. There's just something about tattooed girls that can belt their heart out.… not to mention she has one of my favorite quotes inked on her. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • First Farmer's Market of the Summer (though not much of a Summer). I bought a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and some delicious Rainer Cherries.
  • Getting an email from a very happy client who is gracious for the work that I have done for him. Feels good to know the work I do means something. 
  • Sleeping in. The boy was nice enough to let me sleep in this morning. Not seeing a clock until almost 10 AM was absolutely incredible. 
  • Lintrollers. AMAZING invention. My cat loves to lay on all my black clothes. Literally… those are the only clothes he will lay on. Asshole. 
  • Juicers. Ever get a whole cutting board full of fruits and vegetables into one glass? The boy purchased a juicer last week after watching Fat Sick and Nearly Dead (he's such a sucker). It's a pretty good documentary - you should watch it. See the trailer below:


  • Cravings. I have been trying to choose the more healthy route, but Friday was a true test. The bakery next to my Practicum is amazing…muffins, brownies, scones and buns were calling my name. I was strong and chose fresh fruit. Seriously….now that's willpower. 
  • Homework and school in general. Procrastination has been getting the better of me. It's effing Summer (sorta)! I do not want to be writing papers and reading articles…. nope. 
  • It's July 17th. It's currently overcast, raining and 50 Degrees outside. Enough. Said. 
  • I know it's my own damn fault, but it's really frustrating when I can't find my stuff in the morning. Nothing is more irritating than when I can't find my belt, or my cardigan…or my other shoe. 
  • Junk mail and phone books suck!! Not only are they unwanted and completely unnecessary, but they are a waste of paper. So - here's what you can do: 

Where to recycle? Click HERE
How to opt out of receiving phone books? Click HERE

Friday, July 15, 2011

Photo of the Week

Remember when I posted THE GIFT OF SIGHT ? 

Well, I received my TOMS Sunglasses today! 

One for One: for every pair of sunglasses sold, a person in need receives corrective lenses. 

Photo of the Week: See Change

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Home Sick

This is the world we live in 
Water we pass without a glance
Locals don't look twice
The tourists get out and dance

This is the world we live in
The rusting of our cars
Sand that ends up everywhere
Those midnight coastal stars

This is the world we live in
The beachcombers up at dawn
Creatures fill the tide pools 
Just listen to the ocean's song 
(Me, 2005)

It's almost been a year since I have been home. My favorite place to be: in the presence of the land, sea and sky. My feet in the sand, listening to the ocean and watching the sun dip into the horizon. My heart aches for the ocean. My ocean. My spot. The spot that was always there when I needed it to be. The spot where bonfires would gather crowds,the spot to skip class or have lunch. The spot that warmed my soul that July night, made me laugh that April morning…that spot where I cried over a broken heart. 

The ocean has been my one constant. The one thing I could always depend on. When my life gets crazy… I need the smell of salt to ease my mind. I knew how lucky I was when I would pass by it every day - but I didn't know how much I depended on it. Us kids who grew up together - we are somehow united by the ocean…. coastal soldiers. It's an odd thing we share; we all need the ocean.

I'll be visiting home next month. I'll be there for about 24 hours. Though it's not nearly enough time - it's everything I want right now. Home. Through all the chaos in the world, the ocean keeps me grounded. Sitting on a piece of driftwood, memorized by the rolling waves… re-energizes me. 

Smelling the salt air
Hearing the crashing of waves
Needing to be home

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Loving Body

The female body has many uses. It's been used as a door knocker, a bottle opener, a clock with a ticking belly, as something to hold up lampshades, as a nutcracker, just squeeze the brass legs together and out comes your nut. It bears torches, lifts victorious wreaths, grows copper wings, and raises aloft a ring of neon stars; whole buildings rest in its marble heads. 

It sells cars, beer, shaving lotion, cigarettes, hard liquor; it sells diet plans and diamonds, and desire in crystal bottles. It's on trading cards and billboards, t-shirts and movie screens. It does not merely sell, it is sold. 

My body and I have never really been friends. Women today are bombarded with images of the "perfect female body". The ability to shove away that massage, and look in the mirror with pride is something I am still working on.  

On a bad day, I'll pick at myself. Staring at myself in the mirror, literally pinching at my parts in disgust. I hate my thighs, my arms are awful…and I don't even want to look at my stomach. Over the years I have identified this behavior as unhealthy, so I will either just avoid the mirror… or I will avoid that bowl of ice-cream. 

Unfortunately, I feel the stars have to align for there to be a good day. I have come to realize it's not that there aren't "good days", I just rarely celebrate them. On a good day, my freshly washed jeans will fit without me having to do lunges. I have energy. And honestly, it comes down to whether or not the first outfit I try on looks good; The less time standing in front of the mirror, the better. 

I am working on myself. I have a goal I am working towards - it's a healthy goal, nothing crazy. I want to be able to look through a magazine without gawking over the waist of a model. I want to go to the gym and feel powerful, not frumpy. I want to eat that bowl of ice-cream without remorse. 

The female body is an incredible machine. Every woman has her own journey to loving herself unconditionally. I am empowered to continue mine. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stop & Think

Over the past week, I have had a few very special people say very special things. Each of them has made me stop and think. It's important to take time to reflect on your thoughts, as well as others'. Be present. 

"The more I learn, the more I know I don't know anything." 
                    - Lois Hall 

"Everyone has their strengths, and their opportunities for improvement." 
                    - Dan Masters 

After a conversation with a great friend, he recited this quote: 

"Just think of the trees: they let the birds perch and fly, with no intention to call them when they come and no longing for their return when they fly away. If people's hearts can be like the trees, they will not be off the Way."