
Friday, August 26, 2011

Creature of Habit

When it comes to mealtime, I have to admit, I am a BIG creature of habit. I love trying new foods and seeking out new restaurants, but during the week, I stick to the same basic menu of six small meals:

Breakfast: Enormous coffee, steel cut oatmeal with various seasonal fruit. Lately, blueberries and strawberries.  

Snack: Apple with Almond butter  

Lunch: Salad with artichoke hearts, kidney beans, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and balsamic vinaigrette. Sometimes I shove all of that into a whole wheat tortilla or pita.

Snack: Cucumber or bell peppers and hummus.

Dinner: This is usually the only meal the Boy and I get to share together on weekdays, and considering I am a vegetarian and he eats animals… dinner varies. However recently, we are in LOVE with Morning Star’s Chipotle Black Bean Burger, and have them with almost every meal. We eat them with brown rice and steamed veggies. We ate them last night on a bun with corn on the cob, and we may be trying tacos soon. Delicious.  

Snack: Coconut water with a splash of pineapple juice. It’s healthy, but also hits that late night sweet tooth.

I predict that once Fall hits I’ll be eating a lot more soups and warm meals. I really want to try out this Black Bean Soup recipe… and this Mac&Cheese! If you have recipes you would like to share, or suggestions on how to spice up my dull diet,  send them my way!   

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