
Saturday, August 27, 2011

I, Anonymous

Dear Girls who sat behind me on the bus ride home,

I usually use my 20-minute bus ride home to sit quietly and decompress from my day. You three girls, however, decided to ruin that.

Not only were you loud and obnoxious, but also the content of your conversation was inappropriate and at points offensive. I did not need to know the details of your dramas at work, nor did I need to know about the “retard” of a boss you have. You, the girl in the too small of a top, I don’t think your boyfriend would be happy if he knew you told all the passengers of bus 402 that “his penis isn’t that impressive.” I also didn’t ask to know how you were sent off to a “cultish” boarding school. You certainly didn’t need to continue on to say you got pregnant intentionally so they would send you home, when all they did was keep you there, make you have the baby, and have you put it up for adoption. I hope you saw the weird stares people were giving you, because you’re weird. Oh, and your use of the word “like” was far too excessive.

I am not sure if the three of you just aren’t aware of the etiquette of public transportation, or if you just don’t care. If anything, you need to gain some class.
Now, I am not saying you are terrible girls. I think we could be friends. I too have one foot that is bigger than the other, and like to keep up with the Kardashians. All I ask is that you either talk quietly among yourselves, or you wait until you get to a bar to have your conversations. Oh, and please, stop using the word ‘retard’.



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