
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

For the ♥ of animals

"If I am not between a 4 and a 6 on the emotional scale, I'm crying." 

Kristen Bell has a meltdown when her boyfriend surprises her with a sloth for her birthday. 

I would react the same way if I got to keep a giraffe for a day! 

Thursday, January 26, 2012


We're in trip-planning mode again. 

Vegas in April. 

Happy Birthday to me! 


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What's For Dinner?

About a month ago I posted about the produce box we get once a week from Full Circle. Getting fresh produce delivered right to my door is beyond amazing! Organic spinach, carrots… apples and pears… YUM! But I can't keep up!

Tonight I had two problems: 1) I didn't know what to eat for dinner and, 2) I have lots of leafy greens and fruit… what to do??


On the Board: 
1 bunch Spinach
1/2 bunch Rainbow Lettuce
1/2 bunch Green Chard
1/2 bunch Kale
1 Parsnip
2 Carrots
3 Apples
1 Pear
Splash of lemon juice (to tame down the leafy-swampy taste) :) 

Look at all the nutrients! 

There you have it. Dinner is served!


Amnesty International recently released Chimes of Freedom, the new 75-track, 80-plus artist collection that celebrates 50 years of both Bob Dylan's career and the good work done by the human rights organization. 

I have been in love with Dylan since my Senior year of high school when I heard "Masters of War" on vinyl. I've seen Dylan live three times. He speaks to my soul. 

I know I will not love every song on this CD. Some of his lyrics just can't be fully heard unless they are straight from Bob. But putting "artists" like Miley Cyrus and Ke$ha is a punch to the gut. Really? Ke$ha cries her entire way through "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright". I mean, c'mon girl. Alcohol is a depressant… were you unable to put down that bottle of Jack for just one second so you could tastefully lay down the iconic track? What a bitch. And Miley… oh Miley… I'm still recovering from your horrid "Climbing that mountain" song…double bitch.

All bitches aside...The lovely Adele does an amazing cover of Dylan's, "To Make You Feel My Love." I am biased because I adore Adele. and this is one of my favorite love songs of all time.  

The man himself… 
Dylan's, "Masters of War"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Woo Me

I am a hopeless romantic. I try to put up a good front, and pretend I don't like all the mushy stuff... but I love to be wooed. There are some days where I live for those little butterlies.

I love receiving little notes.

I love being dipped.

I’ll even admit… yes, I can embrace the use of a good pet name.

Relationships can be is complicated. But when it's good... it's sooo good.

Self Portrait Every Day For 12 Years

"Jeff Harris has taken more than 4748 self-portraits. For New Year 1999, rather than resolve, to write a diary for the year, Jeff set himself the task of taking a self-portrait every day. The result is an incredible record of his life through the ups and some very significant downs, not just for a year,but for the last 12 years."

View his video here:
Self Portrait Every Day For 12 Years: Capturing a Journey Through Life – PictureCorrect

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Teaching On Time

Last week I was invited by a friend of mine to attend an evening talk at Seattle's Nalanda West, a center for Western Buddhism. A brief insight into my religious/spiritual background: I was raised mostly Mormon while growing up. I never quite understood the teachings, despite my mother's Sunday school lessons. At age ten, my parents divorced, and the union between LDS was also severed. For my own reasons (which I will not delve into here) I have never felt comfortable with organized religion. 

While in my undergrad I became interested in religion. Not for my own practice, more out of curiosity. I am interested in the ways religion can empower, and also holds power over people, families, and entire nations. Through my quest to learn more, I was surprised to find myself identifying with a specific teaching and practice: Buddhism. I sought out books on mindfulness, Zen practice, Buddhist teachings, and the Siddhartha. I began to meditate, and was conscious of being present and allowing an open and honest heart. I felt this to be different than any other organized religion I had participated in. I did not feel guilt; there was no need to go to church each Sunday. There was no worshiping of my creator. In Buddhism, you are your own worshiper. Each day you work on yourself, from the mind out. I was comfortable with that. 

Having read books and curious about the guest speaker, I was excited to visit Nalanda West. The speaker, Lama Surya Das, is a white guy from Massachusetts, and a leader in translating Tibetan Buddhist to American Buddhism. Lama Syra Das's most recent book is entitled Buddha Standard Time. In his 2 hour long talk, we did meditation chants, asked questions, and talked about time. TIME. The concept of time. Time is money. Time is of the essence. I don't have enough time. Is it time yet? Are we late? I'm early. Modern efforts have been made to give us more time. Microwaves. Online banking. Excel. Yet, we have also created portals that suck our time. X-Box. The Bachelor. Facebook.

Time can be stressful. How we handle the stress can be unhealthy and counterproductive. A foundational Buddhist teaching is this: how to live authentically and joyfully in the present moment. Lama Syra Das was visiting Seattle to envelop us in his wisdom of how to coexist with the inevitable and inexorable march of time. 

As a grad student, state employee, friend, daughter, girlfriend, roller derby girl, lover of yoga, painter, baker, knitter, doggy owner, and fan of sleep… I struggle with time. I often feel overwhelmed, unorganized, and rushed. The clock guides my everyday. So much so that the watch around my wrist feels more like a ball and chain, and I literally let out a sigh of relief when I take it off at the end of the day. Where do I need to be right now? What should I be doing right now? Do I have enough time to get coffee? 4 more hours. It's 10 already? I experience time linearly. I spend little time in the present and enjoying the little accomplishments. I need to get better at this.

There are two different types of time. Chronos time is what we live in. It's regular time, it's present time, one minute at a time, it's ten excruciating minutes in the Target line time, it's two hours till I get to go home to Oregon time. It's waiting for the next open stall in the ladies restroom time. Chronos is the hard, slow passing time. 
Then there's Kairos time. Kairos is said to be God's time. It's time outside of time. It's metaphysical time. It's those magical moments in which time stands still. I have a few of those moments each day. And I cherish them.
Like when I actually stop what I'm doing and really look at the moment I am in. I'll notice how my breath feels in my lungs. I notice a stranger's perfect smile. In a conversation with Noah, I'll see that his mouth is moving but I can't hear him because all I can think is -- This is the first time I've really seen Noah all day, and my God -- I love him. Kairos.
Like when I'm stuck in chronos time in the grocery line and I'm haggard and annoyed and angry at the slow check-out clerk. And then I look at my cart and I'm transported out of chronos. And suddenly I notice the piles and piles of healthy and delicious food. This chance to stand in a grocery line with enough money to pay. And I just stare at my cart. At the abundance. The bounty. Kairos.
Or when I curl up on the couch with Theo asleep at my feet and Noah asleep by my side and I listen to them both breathing. And for a moment, I think- how did a girl like me get so lucky? To be at home each night surrounded by this breath, this love, this peace, this warmth? Kairos.
These kairos moments leave as fast as they come- but I mark them. I say the word kairos in my head each time I leave chronos. And at the end of the day, I don't always remember exactly what my kairos moments were, but I remember I had them.

In spite of all my hectic days, I have more time than I think. In fact, I have all the time in the world. I just have to notice it. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Snowed In

While we had fabulous plans to spend the day downtown, the weather was against us. With a high of 30 and icy roads, I begrudgingly agreed to stay home.

Instead, we spent the day warm inside, with the fireplace blazing. We watched a few movies and I used my Kitchen Aid for the first time!! I dropped the Christmas hint HERE. Thanks Mom! Here are a few pics of the damage.

Cake Pops! 

They didn't turn out perfect. But we tried really hard and they're fun to make! 

Chew Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

I seriously spent the day baking and knitting… wow. Who am I? 

I cannot go without acknowledging why we had this day off from work: The birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15th).

During his time, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood as a leader and achieved genuine progress toward racial equality. I will never tire of hearing the words in his speech, "I Have a Dream", nor will I ever stop tearing up at the sound of his powerful and liberating voice. Unfortunately, years after his death, we are still fighting for racial equality. Dr. King would have turned 83… I can't help but wonder...Would he be proud?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wish List: Cannon Lewis Jewelry

Thanks to a fabulous BLOG, I have fallen in love with this jewelry designer.

"Peace cannot exist in personal discord where the interior and exterior do not ring in one accord."

To see more, view her website: Cannon Lewis Jewelry

Friday, January 6, 2012

Quote of the Day

"I DECLARE AFTER ALL there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! - When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library." 

-Pride and Prejudice 

In the News: WA State's Same-Sex Marriage

In the words of Vice President Joe Biden, "This is a big f***ing deal."

Washington State's Governor, Chris Gregoire  stated yesterday that she supports same-sex marriage and will propose it to the legislator to legalize it in Washington state.


I could go on-and-on about the issue of same-sex marriage, but I will leave it to these 3 points (clearly I am getting political):

1) Denying same-sex right is discrimination in its most pure and simple form. Marriage should not be a heterosexual privilege.
2) No Church/Religion should determine legal policy.
3) If Kim and Kris can be married for 72 days and then divorce, Becky and Sara… John and Bill  have the RIGHT to display and celebrate their love through the union of marriage.

Bravo Chris Gregoire, bravo.

I am looking forward to the day where I get to show my love and commitment to someone. Regardless of who is waiting for me at the end of that isle (male or female), the right to that special day should be available to me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Improvements

Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanza and Happy frickin' New Year!!! 

Now that I've said all that… 

New Year's resolutions are destined to fail. Just as a Monday is the best day to start a change, end a habit, or start a new one… the start of a new year holds traditional power to motivate and instill hope. Weight loss is the biggest target goal, in addition to quitting smoking or drinking less. Those damn vices… 

I have never set a NYR before, but I gave it some thought this year. Sure, I could deprive myself from food I love, only to scarf my face come February 1…but why would I do that to myself? Instead, I'm framing it differently. As I said already, NYR's are destined to fail. I will not be trying to force a weight loss, and I love my IPA's way too much… I just want to make small improvements. You may see this as a form of self trickery...but c'mon… just go with it. 

My 2012 List of Self Improvements 

1)Take the stairs: I see this as an easy change. I walk all around downtown Seattle, and it's really easy to cut through buildings and take the escalator to avoid the large hills or towering stairs… but c'mon… how lazy am I? 
2)No cell phone: I get annoyed when I am sharing a meal with someone and they keep checking their phone, emails, texting…tweeting… but sometimes I am guilty also. I want to be present for my social life. The real one….. That email can wait, I'll text you later. 
3)Eat in more: I have so many recipes I want to try, and eating out is expensive. 
4)Be on time: To work, specifically. This will be hard. Getting in at 7 AM is tough when bedtime is usually midnight. Maybe an earlier bedtime would be easier??
5)Call people more often – less texting: There are 13 people I have text in the past week (judging by my message log). Out of those 13 people (all whom I love dearly) I have spoken to only 5 via phone in the past week. I need to pick up the phone more. 
6)Comfort zone: In 2011, I challenged my comfort zone…and it was awesome. Roller Derby!! Hot Yoga!! Kale!! Great reward! 
7)Turn off the internet: I will be unplugged by 10 PM. No emails, no Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, Shopbop….no. 
8)Spend less $: I feel as though I spend my money wisely, but I will admit, I am a sucker for a sale. I schedule appointments with my retail therapists… Macy's, Victoria's Secret, Sephora… but do I really need that new bra? 
9)Handwritten letters & Cards: In college, a wonderful speaker, Maura Cullen, came and presented to my freshman class. She challenged us to send a card to a loved one, because… simply… it means a lot more than an email, or another technological message. I love getting snail mail, and I know my friends and family will too.
10)Breathe: I'll be the first to admit that I am always stressed about something. Whether it's school, work, practicum, money… or the fact that the Kardashian's are still in the limelight… there's always something. I need to just sit, and focus on my breath.It will all be okay, because someday… Kim will be fat and old. 

Cheers to a new year! Bring it on 2012!