
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

As a Vegetarian

To all my friends and loved ones… please take note.

My Pet Peeves

1) When people attempt to give me crap or make fun of me for being vegetarian.
2) People who think it’s a phase.
3) People that can't imagine a diet that doesn't include cow, pig and chicken as staples. "So, what do you eat?" or "You must be sick of vegetables." 
4) The "how do you get your (protein, calcium, iron)" people.
5) People who think I judge them for eating meat, or say, "Oh, must think I'm disgusting." I wasn't judging until you said that.  
6) People who think I must be lying and cheating because I "look too healthy" to be vegetarian.
7) People who think they're clever and provocative for saying things like "plants are alive too", "but there is leather trim in your car so you aren't really vegetarian."
8)The "Oh, this steak is TAASTTY!  Don't you want to try it?" and "I could never give up my hotdogs and hamburgers!" people.
9) The people who ask me if I eat fish as a vegetarian. It's an animal, isn't it?
10) The people who worry about me at a restaurant. "Is there anything you can eat here?” “Oh look, they have salad, or there’s a veggie sandwich..." Thanks for the concern, but I’ve ordered from a menu before.

So knock it off…. meat eaters. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Superhero Status

My career goal as a Social Worker is to assist in the prevention of recidivism. Regardless of what crime they have committed, working with the offender population is a passion of mine, and I advocate for people who don't have a voice.

I am excited to say that I have made my first true impact on the cycle of incarceration. My client, whom I have been working with for a few months, will be released from custody soon. When he is released he will have full access to housing and mental health/chemical dependency treatment. He is prepared for the difficulty that will come, but he said that for the first time, he's doing something that's good for him.

This is why I do what I do.

I am so excited for him.

And I feel awesome….

Top 6: Currently on My Mind

1) School Stress. I have a few weeks left in my Practicum, and I am struggling to come to terms with that; It's been such an amazing experience. I have a paper, a video and a presentation due soon. I am behind on all of them. I don't know when or where my next practicum will be....worrisome. Trying not to go insane.

2) I often choose the wrong bra to wear. Either the straps show, the cheetah pattern can be seen through the shirt....or it's itchy. This is more frustrating than you might think.

3) Third parental weekend in a row. Noah's family visited the past two weekends, and now my parents are coming up. We plan on a little lounging, movie time, and they want to see my derby practice. Spending some time with my mom will be good for me. She has a special way of centering me and reminding me to "Breathe".

4) I can feel my stomach digesting the indulgent sticky-bun I had for breakfast.

5) First Derby game, March 18th. Sure hope I'm ready for it.

6) "I'm Sorry" might be difficult to say. But when you know it should be said... say it.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Birthday Valentine's

Happy Valentine's Day


I am a fan of Valentine's Day. Not because it's a day to spend money on flowers and candy, but it's a day to stop and truly appreciate your loved ones.
The boy and I have a few plans tonight. With a birthday boy to celebrate and a little romance mixed in, we'll have a lot of fun!

Happy Birthday, Noah!!I am so happy to call you mine, Valentine.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Super Suck Sunday


  • The feeling of accomplishment. Last week was hectic… but with some planning and patience, I feel like I conquered the week.  
  • The MUTE botton on the T.V. and phone. Fabulous solution to loud commercials, or needing to flush the toilet. Yes, sometimes I do pee and talk on the phone. 
  • Birthdays and holidays. This week we get to celebrate both! The boy is a Valentine's Day baby. He gets two cards and some extra love on Tuesday. 
  • Got a new tattoo in the works. Just figuring out the details. 


  • People who choose the isle seat on the bus, so no one can get the window seat. You people are just rude. 
  • That sticky-cold-sweaty-feeling you get when it's cold outside, so you're all bundled up, but you're running around so you get hot. Does that happen to anyone else? Just me? 
  • Group papers. They say the purpose is to strengthen your group skills, but I think that's a total crock. I've been working in groups since kindergarden; I get it! 
  • The loss of an amazing artist. I will always love you, Whitney. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mango Cucumber Salsa

All ingredients fresh from our produce box!


2 ripe mangos
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced
1/2 red onion, diced
2 to 3 serrano chiles, minced
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
1 lime, juiced


Peel the mangos with a small sharp knife. It’s easiest to cut a flat piece off opposite of the stem. Stand up and slice down towards the bottom. Cut the flesh away from the large flat pit on both sides, then remove it from the narrow edges. Cut into quarter-inch dice.
Mix mango with onion, cucumber, chiles and cilantro in a medium bowl, sprinkle with salt and lime juice to taste. Let sit for 10 minutes prior to serving for the flavors to blend.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I watch The Bachelor.

I am Team Kacie B.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

WTF?: G-String Wedding Dress

Why wait until the wedding night, right? Just do it at the alter! 

Seriously? WTF? 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Top 6: Products & Packaging that Piss Me Off

Sure, convenience is great, but what about the environmental impacts? 

Here are a few packaging/products that piss me off, and their more environmentally friendly alternatives: 

1) Kleenex Hand Towels - their selling point is over-exaggerating the amount of germs that can collect in the classic hand towel. Seriously, just wash your towels more; don't kill trees. 

2) Individually wrapped…carrots, apple slices…ANYTHING! It doesn't take long to cut up your own produce and conveniently place it into your perfecting portion sized containers. 

3) Yogurt with granola- Buy in bulk! See #3

4) Styrofoam. It's 2012, shouldn't this stuff be banned? Try to buy products that don't use styrofoam in their packaging. Biodegradable egg cartons, bring your own coffee cup, and give praise to restaurants that use reusable plastic containers. 

5)Unnecessary brand packaging. I'm talking about the lovely tissue paper that Sephora and Victoria's Secret uses to wrap our purchases. Though it's pretty and makes you feel special (just me?) it's a complete waste. Solution: tell them you don't want it. OR, if you like the paper… reuse it. 

6) Bottled water- this pretty much goes without saying. BYOWB. Bring your own water bottle, folks! 

Key considerations: 

Buy in bulk
Invest in great plastic containers (I like Rubbermaid) 
Say "No" to bad packaging
Think before you drink (in every context)