
Monday, November 19, 2012

Crossfit, Football, Food & Plenty of Thanks

As I have written about before (see here, here and here) Noah and I have gotten really into Crossfit. So into it, Noah participated in his first competition this past Saturday. Insert gross little moment here: I am so proud of him.
Okay, so moving on….
For Thanksgiving, both our fathers are coming to stay with us. This means that I will be cooking for three grown men. Yikes. But before we stuff our faces with deliciousness… the four of us are headed to the gym Thanksgiving morning to do what they call the ‘Cornucopia WOD’. This team workout is supposed to burn so many calories you can eat your Thanksgiving feast guilt free. I usually just put on stretchy pants and don’t give it a second thought…. But THIS year, we thought the family team would be fun! Let’s hope we can survive!
For our holiday meal, we are planning on having:
My Mom’s Famous* stuffing
My Mom’s Famous* scalloped potatoes
Cream Braised Brussels Sprouts
Sweet Potato Biscuits
Cranberry Sauce – still deciding if I want to try to make my own. A part of me really likes my sauce shaped like a tin can
Pumpkin & Apple Pie
And of course, for the men…. Turkey. The bird is Noah’s gig.  :)

*My mother’s recipes aren’t globally known…but they make me nostalgic for my childhood. Lucky me, she sent me up to Washington with a book of her delicious handwritten recipes.
With the morning workout, football, the delicious food and so much to be thankful for…I am so very excited for Thursday!

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