
Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Reminder on Happiness

How does that saying go? I have a lot on my plate right now? Without understanding that idiom myself, I will trust you know what I mean. I have a lot going on, and I am a bit overwhelmed. 

I have my eye on the future. Six months. I will be finishing my last class, completing my practicum hours, my partner and I will be looking for new jobs.... and a new place to live. Meetings. Papers. Resumes. Packing. Phew!


While on this quest to attain what I want... I must be mindful of all I If I get tunnel vision and only focus on that light at the end of the tunnel (another idiom?) I lose sight of all the wonderful greatness around me. Sometimes reading this post helps, or making time for meditation. For now, I will jot down the happiness that is all around me, and remember to be zealously in the moment.

All my basic needs are met.
I am looking forward to a movie marathon with a friend.
I have a mom and dad who I know I can call, no matter what.  
I love going to the gym!
I think my pup understands me.

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