
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Top 6: CrossFit Goals

This is Noah... Killin' it.
Last weekend Noah competed in his first major CrossFit competition. The event lasted two full days, and he did six workouts! He was amazing!

While spending two days watching elite athletes do incredible things, I became motivated to get fit enough to jump on the competition wagon myself. Eek!

To do this, I have a lot of work to do. So, because I'm a huge fan of making goals and lists... Here you have it.

This is a Muscle Up...eek!
In the next 3 months, I will be working on:

1) Box Jumps: With no hesitation, and 20 completely unbroken.

2) Deadlift: I want to break my 200 LB PR

3) Kipping: in all areas. Rings, pull-ups, wall handstand push-ups....

4) Snatch: I need to get the motions/technique down! 

5) Double-Unders: I haven't even done 1! 

6) Muscle-Up: they are intimidating. But I would love to get strong enough to do a muscle up!

So there you have it. If I really want to compete, I know I will have to dedicate a lot more time to the gym, not to mention make more of an effort to eating cleaner. I'm up for the challenge. :)

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