
Thursday, February 21, 2013

50 Things About Us....

1. We talk about owning a house and traveling almost every day.
2. We both got our undergraduate degrees in Monmouth, Oregon.
3. We are both working on our Master’s degree.
4. She is always freezing.  
5. He is always warm.
6. She leaves her clothes hanging everywhere.
7. He leaves his shoes out.
8. We are best friends.
9. He wishes she wouldn’t squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom.
10. We have a bedtime ritual.  
11. She will always have a very untidy/ messy handbag.
12. His dresser drawers will always be more organized than hers.
13. She always forgets to clean the litter box.
14. He is in charge of reminding her.
15. We like critiquing new restaurants.  
16. He can’t sleep with a crack of light in the room.
17. She is afraid of the dark.
18. We enjoy talking about and planning our future together.
19. We want to raise a family in Oregon.
20. He doesn’t like mushrooms, pickles or tomatoes.
21. She only likes foods she’s in the mood for at that very moment.
22. He dreams of owning his own business.
23. She dreams of saving the world.
24. We have our favorite Chinese place on speed dial.
25. She writes him little notes.
26. He changes her windshield wipers.
27. She gets extra moody when she’s hungry.
28. He does too
29. He opens the car door for her.
30. She calls him “love bug”
31. He calls her “baby girl”
32. We have lots of inside jokes.
33. Sometimes we dance in our kitchen.
34. He likes drinking wine.
35. She does too.
36. We used to eat tacos at least once a week. Then we got sick of tacos.
37. We still can’t agree on who kissed who first.
38. On their first date, he made her vegetarian lasagna.
39. She gets really loud when she’s telling a story.
40. He has to tell her not to yell.
41. She has a million items in the shower.
42. He has 3.
43. We have a shared obsession with anything Peanut Butter & Chocolate
44. She loves his laugh.  
45. If she’d let him, he’d have a full blown beard.
46. We’ve been known to disagree about who gets the remote.
47. We talk about our dog like he’s our child.
48. Sometimes we stay up too late talking, and then we’re super tired in the morning.
49. He likes tickling her.
50. We have done amazing things together… and look forward to doing more.  

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