
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Playing with Food

About 1 year and 4 months ago…. My boss and I decided to do a little experiment. Just like many other offices in America, the lunchroom can be a temptation room of sugary indulgences. I’ll admit, I love baking so often I am the culprit however in October of 2011, my office had a box of store-bought donuts and mini autumn inspired cupcakes.

Both of us being a bit health conscious and knowing very well that these sweet treats were filled with fats, corn syrup and preservatives… we wondered….

How long would it take for them to decompose?

We set them on a plate with the day’s date, and put them in a spot where they wouldn’t be disturbed.  Months went by…. Months…. And then a year….

The cupcake looks fresh as it did on day ONE!

They are hard as rock, and without any sign of decay whatsoever. *

I took a nutrition class in college and if I learned anything it was to fear preservatives. Food should expire! A little lesson here….Preservatives can be categorized into three general types: antimicrobials that inhibit growth of bacteria, yeasts, or molds; antioxidants that slow air oxidation of fats and lipids, which leads to rancidity; and a third type that blocks the natural ripening and enzymatic processes that continue to occur in foodstuffs after harvest.

I think it’s safe to say that the donut and cupcake are highly preserved. Imagine what your body goes through to process this “food”. Gross. I’m not saying I won’t eat another donut in my life (maple bars call to me)… but seriously…..WTF?

**We put an end to the experiment by seeing what would happen if we put the aged treats in the microwave. I kid you not, the donut caught on fire and the cupcake morphed into a powder.

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