
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Super Suck Sunday

  1. Job searching. I am getting overwhelmed and very anxious with the thought of finding my “next chapter” and the idea of interviewing. This is something I have been anticipating for over a year, and now that it has come.... I'm struggling.
  2. Choosing the wrong jacket. On a day where it was pissing rain with 60 mph winds I chose to wear a down jacket without a hood. I ran all around Seattle looking like a drowned cat, and my ears nearly froze off. I'm not even being dramatic; It was miserable.
  3. I will admit... I am addicted to Pinterest, and I must say: I get super annoyed when the “Fetching Pins” thing takes forever....
  4. Forgetting where you put your keys. Every day this week....
  5. Theo destroying another pair of shoes. BAD DOG! See his past destructions here.

  1. One more class session to go. One. More.
  2. Receiving recognition for a job well done. I don't always need it, but getting a “You did great.” feels pretty damn good.
  3. Having a boyfriend who will let me be a fat kid. Earlier this week I chose to have waffles smothered in Nutella for dinner. Noah looked at me and with nothing but love in his eyes said, “You know, inside that hot body of yours is a fat kid crying to get out.” Thanks, love.
  4. Purging your closet. I have a garbage bag stuffed with clothes to give away, and it feels great!
  5. At the risk of being a jerk for finding this utterly hilarious, this poor girl's video made me laugh.

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