
Saturday, June 25, 2011

WTF?: Dream Look Instant Eye lift

Seriously? This goes right along with Pajama Jeans and the BumpIt. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Super Fabulous Mixed Fruit Cobbler

This is seriously the easiest "Cobbler" ever. So easy, I just made it up…Seriously,I just had all this stuff on hand and whipped it up.I am a genius. It's delicious and now I must share. 


Baking dish (I used a square one)
1 large can of sliced peaches
2 cups of frozen berries   (I am uncertain of the exact amount I used….as I just poured the last of the frozen bag of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries)
2 cups oats 
1 cup vanilla cake mix (Ya, I just opened a cake mix box)
4 TBS of butter (melted)


  1. Preheat to 375 Degrees (Again, I made this up and just chose that to be the temp.)
  2. Dump all fruits into dish 
  3. Combine all other ingredients and pour over fruit as topping
  4. Put into oven (I started at 20 minutes and then I broiled the hell out of it to get the crunchy-goldeness that makes a scrumptious topping) 
  5. Let cool 
  6. EAT IT & Enjoy!


A piece is missing. Like I said, I tried it… THEN I had to share. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What's Inside: My (huge ass) purse

My purse is an ENDLESS HOLE!!! I was carrying it around the other day, and my back started to hurt! It's ridiculous. So, I decided to unload it, and see what crazy things were inside. I swear…. I am Mary (Effing) Poppins. 


AND….What's inside

Starting from top and going across to the right: 
  1. My re-usable shopping bag my co-worker made
  2. My Red wallet with a Peacock on it (thanks Mom)
  3. Sunglasses
  4. Can barely see it - but that's a coffee cup sleeve
  5. Napkins (always need to be prepared)
  6. Pink Glitter nail polish
  7. 1 Tea Bag
  8. Hand sanitizer
  9. Hand Lotion
  10. GUM
  11. Travel Size hairbrush 
  12. Holiday Mints, Rootbeer Barrels, and a Cough drop
  13. Yup, that's an Easter egg
  14. 2 Pens
  15. The purple bag are my "City Flats"
  16. Granola Bars - I carry snacks with me, cause I am dating a toddler and he gets cranky when he's hungry. Sorry babe, you know it's true. 
  17. Old perfume sample 
  18. Splenda
  19. Lip Stain
  20. 2 old tickets from a Seattle U B-Ball Game
  21. My business card holder 
  22. Deodorant 
  23. Head band

Phew! No wonder my back hurts. The thing is, I feel I NEED all this stuff. Well, maybe not the Easter egg. Seriously….seriously…? 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ladies & Gents….

I can drink through a straw!!!!

I had my check-up today to see how my holes are healing. I'm in the clear! Apparently my teeth were extremely difficult to get out of my head, hence all the massive jaw ache. Awesome. 

I am sleeping through the night again, and I only took Ibuprofen once today! They FINALLY gave me a syringe to squirt the water in there and flush all the gunk out - disgusting. 

I've missed using a straw. I bought a Frappuccino and drank ate it with a spoon. Super lame. 

Cheers to recovery! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Gift of Sight

I have been wearing corrective eyewear (i.e., glasses or contacts) since I was 6 years old. SIX! I can't remember a day where I woke up and could see the time, or my own face in the mirror. Doing so would be a miracle. While I was not blessed with great vision (thanks, Dad) I have been privileged and fortunate enough to have always had glasses or contacts; not every one is so fortunate. 

As you may know through THIS BLOG POST I enjoy supporting organizations and movements that do good in the world. TOMS, known for their shoes…. has developed a brilliant new movement: Eyewear! 

For every pair of sunglasses they sell, a person in need receives corrective lenses. I remember the moment where I put on a pair of glasses, and could read the letters on the wall. Even now, at 24… I get excited when I can see just a little bit better (my eyes keep getting worse). I am excited to be a part of someone's experience of receiving sight. 

Of course they are a little more spendy than TOMS shoes. But that makes sense considering they are producing corrective lenses. They sell them on their website - but they're also at NORDSTROM if you're like me and want to go in and try them on. I'll be purchasing mine soon. 

I like these ones: 

The One For One Story 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

A salute to all the dads out there who have changed diapers, spent countless nights awake, taught us how to ride a bike, taught us how to drive, let us cry on their shoulder, laughed with us, listen to us,worried about us while we're out with friends, celebrated our achievements, gave advice….
And no matter what….love us. 

Male Seahorse giving birth
(Warning: pretty weird) 

As heard on NPR - the adult children's book
"Go the Fuck to Sleep" 

Any girl can have 1 Dad. 
I have 2.

Happy Father's Day! 

2nd Place on Field Day - 4th Grade

Graduating from College

Christmas- 2001

Graduating from College 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Eating Animals

I was vegetarian for about 2 years. Then, I became a selective omnivore. People (mother mainly) were concerned about my protein intake. I wouldn't eat red meat or pork… but chicken and some fish were okay. This confused people…for good reason. Why was a cow's life any more important than a chicken's? Why was my conscience contradicting itself? I haven't had red meat in about 6 years. I haven't had any meat for about 6 months. To be honest, I have never really enjoyed the taste of meat. 

I am currently reading, EATING ANIMALS, by Jonathan Safran Foer and it has certainly got my mind thinking. I will not preach about vegetarianism. However, I will challenge you to consider the justification behind your choice, animal or no animal. 

An excerpt: 

"Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose, keep in touch (or don't), care about birthdays, waste and lose time, brush their teeth, feel nostalgia, scrub stains, have religions and political parties and laws, wear keepsakes, apologize years after an offense, whisper, fear themselves, interpret dreams, hide their genitalia, shave, bury time capsules, and can choose not to eat something for a reason of conscience. The justification for eating animals and for not eating them are often identical: we are not them." 

Food For Thought: 

  • 26 pounds of other sea animals are killed and tossed back into the ocean for every 1 pound of shrimp: manta ray, devil ray, spotted skate, copper shark, night shark, blue runner, dolphin fish….and so on. Consider: sacrifice 
Sorry Mom. I know this used to be our New Year's tradition. 
  • In the typical cage for egg-laying hens, each bird has 67 square inches of space. Step your mind into a crowded elevator, an elevator so crowded you cannot turn around without bumping into (and aggravating) your neighbor. The elevator is so crowded you are often held aloft. This is kind of a blessing, as the slanted floor is made of wire, which cuts into your feet. After some time, those in the elevator will lose their ability to work in the interest of the group. Some will become violent; others will go mad. A few, deprived of food and hope, will become cannibalistic. There is no respite, no relief. No elevator repairman coming. The doors will open once, at the end of your life, for your journey to the only place worse.                  Consider: factory farming 

  • You come home from work to find your dog greeting you at the door. You play with him, maybe even go for a walk. You feed him, as you are making your dinner: Pork tenderloin.  Consider: the species barrier. 

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?  ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Have you ever woke up in the wrong bed?

Photo of the week brought to you by: @EllenDegeneres

Monday, June 13, 2011

Super Suck Sunday (On a Monday)

I must note that I have been under the influence of prescription narcotics for the past 4 days - and much of the following is a result of such a mindset. 


  • Blogging. Reading blogs, and blogging myself has been a great way to spend my time while I have been permanently horizontal on the couch. 
  • For similar reasons - ON DEMAND is amazing! Instantly watching a movie, or catching up on shows I never watch, nor have EVER wanted to watch is great! Currently, I am watching the Bachelorette. Seriously… this show is ridiculous. 
  • Insurance. I feel so grateful for having a job that provides me with benefits. My prescriptions are under $1!!! 
  • Having a guy that will take care of you. The Boy has been amazing (yes, I am doing a little shout-out). He has been bringing me food (and flowers), making sure I am taking my medicine, helping me ice my chipmunk face, and even has the patience when I get super frustrated and start crying….he's been fabulous.


  • I just have to get it out there - getting your wisdom teeth out… SUCKS!! I now realize what people were saying when they told me the recovery is worse than the procedure. I don't even remember the procedure. My jaw is achy, the pills make me dizzy and sleepy, and by the end of all this I will never want to eat pudding again. Oh, and the fact that I can't suck through a straw…SUPER SUCKS! 
  • Watching "Chick Flicks" without your chicks. I miss my girlie friends. 
  • When your fingernails don't grow at the same rate, so they are all different lengths. OR when they are the same length, and you break one. I am trying really hard not to bite them all off. 
  • Not having enough hands to carry everything I need over to the couch. Lately, I have been high maintenance. I need my water bottle, pills, phone, iPad, my blanket and my dog. I can't carry all that in one trip - But I sure will try. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Top 6: Cool things I have done since graduating from college

Today, another class walked across the stage to grab their diploma and officially graduate from Western Oregon University. Congrats! I can't believe it's been two years since I almost slipped and fell in my red robe. 

What have I been doing for the past two years? Well, lots of things, but here are my …

Top 6: Cool things I have done since graduating from college

1) I moved really far away from home. Of course, this is something I have always wanted to do; live in Seattle. But this was a BIG deal. Especially since it was a move the Boy and I were making together. Exciting, and scary! 

2) Started my first professional career.   It was was pure luck that I got the first and only job I interviewed for. At the time, I didn't even know what the job really entailed. Now, almost two years in - I love my job, and I love the way it has impacted my perception of the world and the work I want to do.

3) Explore the Great NorthWest. There is so much to do around here. We are just a few miles from the city, from the mountains, and minutes away from the Puget Sound. It's been so much fun getting out and exploring.
Hiking on Mt. Si
Noah's first Ferry trip - on our way to Kingston

First time Snowshoeing 

Rat City Roller Girls

4) Applied, was accepted, and started Graduate School.  This was the true reason I wanted to move up here. So far it has been a dream, and I am thankful for this opportunity everyday. 

5) Doggy Owner! I have turned into such a freak, sometimes I don't even recognize myself. I love this damn dog. We go to puppy classes, dog parks, puppy play dates, and even doggy day-care. Who am I? Who cares, but this is Theo! 

6) Old friends and the new. Throughout it all, I have managed to remain close to my friends back home, and make new wonderful friendships here. There is so much to be grateful for. 
Mariners game with the lovely Karylin, Geoff and Noah
Brilliant women who make class amazing 
The best camping crew
This is what happens when Mel and I get into PhotoBooth
Sebastian - my adopted nephew. I made him that onesie:)  "Not A Meat Eater"

Friday, June 10, 2011

"I drink- and live- what has destroyed some men"

As I lay at home all day recovering from my wisdom extraction (I survived!) I surround myself with a new book, and some of the old favorites. I grabbed a book of Sonnets from one of my very favorite poets: Edna St. Vincent Millay. From what I have read of her, she was a very interesting woman, intising really. As most poetry is… her work is very much up for interpretation. 

Here are just two of her Sonnets: 

Women have loved before as I love now; 
At least in lively chronicles of the past - 
Of Irish waters by a Cornish prow
Or Trojan waters by a Spartan mast
Much to their cost invaded - here and there, 
Hunting the amorous line, skimming the rest, 
I find some woman bearing as I bear
Love like a burning city in the breast. 
I think however that of all alive
I only in such utter, ancient way 
Do suffer love; in me alone survive
The unregenerate passions of a day 
When treacherous queens, with death upon the tread, 
Heedless and willful, took their knights to bed. 

The heart once broken is a heart no more, 
And is absolved from all a heart must be; 
All that it signed or chattered heretofore
Is cancelled now, the bankrupt heart is free; 
So much of duty as you my require
Of shards and dust, this and no more of pain, 
This and no more of hope, remorse, desire
The heart once broken need support again. 
How simple 'tis, and what a little sound
It makes in breaking, let the world attest: 
It struggles, and it fails; the world goes round, 
And the moon follows it. Heart in my breast, 
'Tis half a year now since you broke in two; 
The world's forgotten well, if the world knew. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Oh, the differences between men and women

These videos are so true it's scary. Watch them in order. 


Boys will be Girls

Girls will be Boys 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Photo of The Week

Our Pansies are taking over. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Super Suck Sunday


  • $4000 magically appeared in my bank account. I frantically made a few calls (thinking there must have been a mistake) and  found out I received a Fellowship award! :) 
  • FINALLY getting my awesome UW SSW Sweatshirt. Check it! 
  • This must have been "Get cool new purple clothes week" because I also got this neat shirt!  
Want this cool shirt? Click HERE!
  • Children who are super cool. This video cracks me up: 
"I feel happy with myself!" 

  • Having flowers delivered to your office and they aren't for you. Huge tease. C'mon… who does't want surprise flowers? 
  • Cheap Q-Tips…or should I say, cotton swabs. Never go with the generic brand- they fall apart in your ear, your eye and on your toes. 
  • Pulling heels out of the closet, and thinking "why don't I wear these?" Then, 3 hours later… your feet remind you why. 
  • Spending the first gloriously-sunny-hot day in a room with no windows….for 6 hours! We all just pretended it was snowing. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Top Six: My Three Week Summer

Well folks…I've officially completed another quarter. I think I am getting the hang of this. My class yesterday was easy to say goodbye to; Screw off Macro Practice II - Organizations, Community and Policy Practice…. you  were dumb. However, when I walked out of my Micro Generalist Practice class, I got a little sentimental. I had some very profound professional revelations in that class….

I've already picked up my reader and textbook for next quarter (both are 3 inches thick). I have exactly THREE WEEKS until I start class, which means my "Summer Break" starts now. What shall I do? 

  1. Get wisdom teeth removed (super looking forward to this…) 
  2. Paint!!!I have been inspired lately, and need to just paint! 
  3. Get organized for next quarter. I nerd out and organize everything from last quarter into cute little folders, with their cute little appropriate labels…then, I get all my folders and notebooks ready for next quarter…with all of THEIR appropriate labels. Pens and highlighters in order…. ya, office supplies get me hot. 
  4. Get a massage. Oh. Yes. 
  5. Start my Practicum Journal. I've only spent three days at my site, and already I have had some pretty intense experiences; Not everyone gets to watch a murder sentencing on their second day. I need to write this stuff down. 
  6. Read SOMETHING for fun! I read academic articles in my sleep…I want to read something for me. I started reading EATING ANIMALS, by Jonathan Safran Foer, and I would love to finish it before I need to start reading THIS BAD BOY. 

I think this list is doable.
 Cheers to another quarter down, and a shot for three weeks of summer. Oy vay.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Tomorrow and Saturday are my last two classes of Spring Quarter. Holy crap. I'm really doing this. 

I have three assignments due in the next few days: a Bio-Psycho-Social Report, a group paper on Organizational Change, and a group presentation on Psychodynamic Theory. Phew! I am so ready for this to be over. 

Anyhoo… one thing that gets me through it all… procrastination. Blogging certainly helps…getting distracted by mindless television….and also… online window shopping. I never actually buy anything… I just love to look. So, before I delve into my papers…. aren't these cute? 


To find these and other adorable things… click HERE
Okay, now…. back to paper writing...