
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ask Me Any Question...

…..….  so she asked me: 

How many times have you been in love?

My answer...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Recently On my iPhone....

The holiday was amazing. There was sweat, laughter, lots of eating, and much to be thankful for.

If you're interested, here are some of the weekend in photos:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Holiday Cards are ordered!

All Our Love Holiday Card
To view our most popular holiday card designs, click here.
View the entire collection of cards.

I love Shutterfly. We've created and ordered our Holiday cards, as well as making a calendar for the new year. It's super easy, fun and make great gifts!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

On this Thanksgiving... I am thankful for...

1)      First and foremost, my health. Over this past year I have grown so much from the physical activities of roller derby and crossfit. I am thankful that my body is strong enough to do the things I love to do.
2)      My Family. I am so thankful that I have a family (that continues to grow) whom I can rely on no matter what. My mother has always been my best friend, and my biggest supporter. I can’t imagine who I would be without her unconditional love and encouragement. I am blessed with two dads who offer their (solicited and unsolicited) ‘fatherly’ advice; they think the world of me.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pumpkin No-Bake Cookies

I can only do pumpkin for one more week before the flavors of peppermint and gingerbread take over.

So, my last pumpkin treat will be....

Pumpkin No-Bake Cookies

1 c. pumpkin puree
2 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/8 tsp. clove
1/4 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. granulated sugar
4 TB. butter
1/2 c. milk
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. sea salt + more for topping
3 c. oats

Combine pumpkin puree and spices in saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a slow boil then reduce to low. Let cook and reduce on stovetop until mixture is about 1/2 cup. Add sugars, butter and milk and cook until mixture comes to a boil, bring to low heat. Stir until smooth, making sure sugar is fully dissolved. Add vanilla extract and mix until combined. Stir in oats, one cup at a time until completely coated in pumpkin mixture.

Place tablespoon-sized balls onto parchment paper and sprinkle with sea salt. This is where the magic is. Let come to room temperature for about an hour before serving or place in refrigerator or freezer until cool.


NW Rain

"The language of rain is primarily private but the practice of hearing it is universal." - ML

The Northwest rain has arrived.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Crossfit, Football, Food & Plenty of Thanks

As I have written about before (see here, here and here) Noah and I have gotten really into Crossfit. So into it, Noah participated in his first competition this past Saturday. Insert gross little moment here: I am so proud of him.
Okay, so moving on….
For Thanksgiving, both our fathers are coming to stay with us. This means that I will be cooking for three grown men. Yikes. But before we stuff our faces with deliciousness… the four of us are headed to the gym Thanksgiving morning to do what they call the ‘Cornucopia WOD’. This team workout is supposed to burn so many calories you can eat your Thanksgiving feast guilt free. I usually just put on stretchy pants and don’t give it a second thought…. But THIS year, we thought the family team would be fun! Let’s hope we can survive!
For our holiday meal, we are planning on having:
My Mom’s Famous* stuffing
My Mom’s Famous* scalloped potatoes
Cream Braised Brussels Sprouts
Sweet Potato Biscuits
Cranberry Sauce – still deciding if I want to try to make my own. A part of me really likes my sauce shaped like a tin can
Pumpkin & Apple Pie
And of course, for the men…. Turkey. The bird is Noah’s gig.  :)

*My mother’s recipes aren’t globally known…but they make me nostalgic for my childhood. Lucky me, she sent me up to Washington with a book of her delicious handwritten recipes.
With the morning workout, football, the delicious food and so much to be thankful for…I am so very excited for Thursday!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Vegetarian's Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving holiday is just a few days away. Can you believe it? Noah and are hosting this year (more on that later) and I've been asked the question, "Will you be having a turkey?". The answer is yes. Just because I don't eat meat, doesn't mean meat isn't allowed.

NPR did a story on how vegetarians feel about the holiday, and I couldn't agree more:

"They don't feel like they're missing out. I spoke to Laura Anderson — she's the food and drinks editor at Slate, she's a vegetarian. She told me that, 'The essence of Thanksgiving is not in the turkey itself, it's in having ... a ton of dishes all together, way more food than you can eat, the promise of leftovers, a plate on which you have probably six or seven dishes all sharing room on the same plate.'"
Personally, I love gorging myself with a plate of stuffing, scalloped potatoes, veggies and cranberry sauce. Last year I made meat-free ribs.... but I felt it was a little unnecessary. Does there have to be a main dish?  I don't think so, but the NPR story introduced a vegetarian main dish: The Veggieducken. Looks a bit intimidating to me, but maybe I'll challenge myself with it next year.

If you are hosting this year and you know a vegetarian will be attending, I suggest following these simple rules of etiquette:

1) Don't assume your veggie friend will feel uncomfortable around the turkey centerpiece. We can handle it.
2) While it's always appreciated when meat eating friends want to make a "special" meatless dish, often it makes me uncomfortable.
3) And the most simple advice....Just ask them what they would prefer.

To read the full story, you can view it here.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Have You Heard?

Time to stock up on Twinkies, Hostess is going out of business. I've never been a fan of Ding Dongs, Donettes, Sno Balls and Devil Dog, but I did like me some Wonder Bread.

Honestly, with the nation's obesity epidemic... I think we will survive just fine. 

In case you do stock up, here are some ideas of what to do with your loot. 

 Also, I am reminded of this awesome scene from Zombieland:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Top 6: Driving Pet Peeves

I will not boast that I am the best driver. Although some (ahem… my boyfriend) do. Sometimes I California Stop… I don’t always yield to pedestrians… and I am a chronic speeder… BUT… here are my TOP 6 Driving Pet Peeves:

          1) If you make a turn, must you turn in the opposite direction first?
The occurrence of this seems to be declining, but why do people have to swing out to the left before they make a right hand turn????

2) Tailgating
No excuse. No reason. Period. Get off my ass. You're making me want to slow down. I feel safe in assuming that’s the opposite of what you’re wanting. You can cause an accident that will involve you, me and probably too many innocent bystanders.

3) Working lights and knowing how to use them
3a: Headlights. There’s a rule about this, I know. There’s something about dusk and dawn? Don’t know, but use common sense. While driving a few days ago I saw a SUV without their lights on – it’s 6:30 PM in November… it’s dark as hell.
3b: Hi-beams. They are really effective when used correctly. THEY ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR ACTUAL WORKING HEADLIGHTS. I'm talking about those vehicles that you just know their headlights don't work, so the brights have to be used instead. Just fix the headlights!
4c: Brake lights. What, are you nuts? Do you really want to go out in traffic and get yourself killed???
5d: Turn signals. Oh, geez… where do I start...
5d1: Turn them on.
This is the easiest and safest thing you can do behind the wheel, right after putting your damn seatbelt on. Are you kidding me? When someone doesn’t use their lights, it makes me want to go up to their car, reach in the window, yank off the entire turn signal stalk from the steering column and yell, "It's obvious you don't need this since you don't use it!!" If I see someone who wants in my lane, at least I know what they’re doing and I'll let them in. Oh, and here's a courtesy thing: If you're in a crowded parking lot, cruising the aisles looking for a parking space, and you stop and block the aisle because you see someone getting in a car to leave, use your turn signal to let the people know behind you what you're up to. Otherwise, you're just in the middle of the aisle and no one can get around you. People may get less excited if they knew you actually found a potential spot and you're waiting for it.
5d2: Turn them off.
Yes, we all know about the Senior Citizens that seem to go for miles with their turn signals on. I've got news for you - they're not the only ones. There's nothing worse than being on a highway with a guy with a turn signal on. Can you pass him? How do you know that he's intending to make a lane change? YOU DON'T KNOW. Approach with caution because whether he knows it or not, he's causing problems. At least he used his signal at least once, so you can't fault him for that.
5e: Hazards. When you are going 35 mph on a highway the least you can do is turn on your hazard lights to let us know that you know you're doing 35 instead of being oblivious to those around you doing the speed limit or, heaven forbid, those people doing well over it.

        4) Coming to a complete STOP before turning
Seriously? Why do people do this? It’s very easy to make a smooth transition when making a turn. Unless it’s icy, there’s no need to come to a complete stop.

        5) The jerk mergers
You know who you are. The people that see the MERGE sign and wait until the last minute to try and squeeze their way in. I don’t think so, Mr.  Yes, I am that person who won’t let you in. I learned that rule in kindergarten: NO CUTS!

         6) Best for last…. Texting and cell phone use in general
This is not only a safety issue, but a legal issue**. There are ways to safely use your device, but some choose otherwise. BLARG! I get so irritated when the light turns green and I can tell that the person in front of me is too busy texting to notice!! Facebook, Twitter... your mom... can wait. Just don’t do it!

**A few months ago I was pulled over because the officer thought I was talking on my phone. I told him that his accusations were impossible. He didn’t believe me until I showed him my phone…securely stored in the trunk of my car. No joke.  

Please, let's all practice safe and considerate driving.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On Repeat: The Heist

So there's this guy...His name is Macklemore.... You may or may not have heard of him. He's a pretty big deal in my book. Not only does he openly support marriage equality, but he's from Seattle. His new album, The Heist, is laced with Emerald City references, which is pretty cool to listen to.

My favorite song right now is Thrift Shop. I don't want to brag or anything, but I can rap (yes, rap) the entire song word-for-word. The boy thinks it's pretty hilarious.

Check it out...

These guys are awesome.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Random Act of Kindness

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”
                                                                             -Diana Spencer

This morning, while stopped at a red light, a man crossed the road and a gust of wind blew all his papers in the street. With the crossing sign flashing his countdown, I could see the man's anxiety rising. Immediately, a girl stops, kneels down, and gives the man a smile. She then quickly snatches a paper from flying into traffic. Much to my surprise, another person stops to help.

When all the papers were gathered, the strangers gave a few nods and they were on their way.

I have been shown this sort of kindness before, and then felt that fluttery feeling of wanting to spread the love. But today... I was an observer...I was a witness. I was inspired.

I was so inspired, I had to capture the moment. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sweet Potato Biscuits

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup whole milk
1 cup baked, mashed sweet potato (about 1 medium potato)
8 tablespoons unsalted butter (1 stick), Refrigerated
Heavy cream for brushing the tops

1)Heat the oven to 400°F and arrange a rack in the middle. Combine all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Cut butter into small pieces and toss with dry ingredients until butter is coated. Set aside.
2)In a separate large bowl, mix together milk and mashed sweet potato until evenly combined.
2) Cut butter into small pieces and toss with dry ingredients until butter is coated.
3) Stir milk mixture into dry mixture bowl until dough becomes fluffy. If too moist add more flour.
4) Scoop 1/2 cup batter and place on a baking sheet, brush tops with heavy cream, and bake until the bottoms are golden brown, about 12 to 15 minutes.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In The News: Love Wins!

Washington has officially made history by standing up for equal rights. This is a personal issue for me, and many people that I love. My heart is overflowing with love, joy and gratitude for all that voted.

Monday, November 5, 2012

An Event: Approve R 74

Washington has the opportunity to make history tomorrow. My hope is that the majority will view this Referendum for what it is: An equal rights issue.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Festivities

I am currently in a candy coma. Candy Corn, Fun Size Snickers, and Skittles were my diet yesterday. Oh dear...

For work I dressed in my High School cheer leading uniform (hooray for still being able to fit into it) and decorated myself with walking-death-bloody-zombie-makeup. So.Much.Fun.

After work, I quickly changed into a Superhero and went to decorate little faces with paint. Tiny witches, Batmen, and Lady Bugs were just too cute to handle. Not to mention how adorable we were as a Superhero family!

Take a look:

Don't be alarmed... Theo LOVED his costume.