
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An Even BIGGER Surprise!

Even though I am back in the groove of a lot of work, and no play... My mind and heart are still at the beach. Noah went above and beyond this birthday. Not only did he surprise me with a beach house getaway, but he coordinated with my two best friends to plan the ultimate surprise!

Right before Noah and I headed to dinner Friday night, my two best friends pulled up the drive! What?! They came to stay the weekend with us! AMAZING! A birthday weekend away with my guy AND my two besties? 
Bravo, guys. Bravo! We enjoyed the beach, several glasses...err...bottles of wine, homemade (by Melinda) pizza, dirty Scrabble, 90's radio, and wonderful conversation.
Thank you for a wonderful birthday... I couldn't have asked for a better one. :)

This is my really confused face after spotting Melinda and Karylin.... 
I had no idea what was happening.

For more photos of the trip....

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Beach House Getaway

Just a short post about where we're spending our weekend! We packed the car up and headed out yesterday. We drove for 4 hours before I had any idea of where we were going! Either Noah is really good at surprises, or I'm really oblivious.

Our destination? A gorgeous beach house on the Oregon Coast! Oh the romance!

Cheers to a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


While it's lame I have to work all day, I do have fun plans for tonight! We are going to the gym (I know, I think the gym is fun) and then we are going out for drinks and grub with our gym friends.

I have 4 days off, and apparently there are special top secret plans for this weekend. My bestie knows what's happening, but she's not offering any hints! Have to say...I am pretty impressed by Noah's ability to keep quiet.
I am so excited to celebrate...

Gotta love birthdays!


days until graduation!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top 6: Things to Know When Starting CrossFit

I have been doing CrossFit for about 9 months now. I have turned this form of fitness into a habit, a passion or dare I say… addiction? Challenging my mind and body in this way has changed me as a person, and I never thought I could say that about working out. Here are my tips to those (especially women) who are interested in stepping into a box.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Trip to the Tulips

The weather held out and we were able to visit the Tulip Festival on Saturday. While there weren't blue skies, and it was a bit chilly... it didn't rain!


There are signs posted everywhere, "Do not step between rows." I'm a rebel, clearly.

I love when nice strangers offer to take our photo. :)

After the tulips, we got lunch and splurged on dessert. Look at this gigantic Cream Puff!!! Even the server didn't think we could finish it!

We proved him wrong.
Also, Happy Earth Day!!

Every day I try to make an effort to care for our planet. I always have my reusable grocery bags, I try and reduce my amount of waste, and I recycle, recycle, recyle! Did you know, the concept of Earth Day came from a Wisconsin Senator in 1970? Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies. You don't see much of that now.  
If you're interested, check out the video below.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

An Adorable Proposal

Our Story in Letters - Mike and Dave's Engagement from TorontoDave on Vimeo.

With only the written word, and a lot of planning ... this boyfriend proposed in the most adorable way. I wish I knew them so I could say "Congrats!!" 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Super Suck Sunday

  1. Having to deal with public restroom grossness. Whether it's someone who didn't flush, or a lingering smell... it's surprising how disgusting women's restrooms can be.
  2. April showers. We had plans to go to the Tulip Festival on Saturday, but decided to cancel due to the rain. Hopefully the weather will be better next weekend.
  3. Friday night is usually gym night. So, Friday... we ran a 5K. Remember... I DO NOT RUN!
That's all I can think of .... there's a lot more SUPER going on.


  1. But hey!! I completed my first 5K! Yea, although I absolutely hate running, I was surprised at how well I did. Maybe I'll sign up for a 5K sometime soon. :)
  2. Receiving compliments from complete strangers. C'mon, every girl needs her ego stroked every once in awhile. 
  3. My birthday is in 10 days! That's pretty super! 
  4. Finding new makeup! I have fallen in love with Bobbi Brown! Her makeup is a bit pricey, but I love how long it lasts and how natural it looks. 
  5. Applying for Graduation!!!!! 60 days away!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby & Enchiladas

On the morning of April 8th (12:48 AM to be exact) this precious little monkey came into the world. One of my best friends (also coworker) and his wife welcomed their second baby boy, Desmond. I am so in love. 

With much enthusiasm, Noah and I offered to make dinner for the little family in exchange for getting to hold, love, and kiss on the new baby. Ahhhh!!! 

He's perfect. 

His little hand wrapped around Noah's finger melts my heart. :)

My friends are also vegetarian, which made cooking for them a little easier. If you're interested in my Vegetarian Enchiladas ......

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Refrigerator Cucumber Salad

This yummy salad is perfect for on-the-go, and pickle lovers. AND... it can last in the refrigerator for up to 2 months!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Did You Know: Armpits

I hate them. I can't stand them. I think they are gross. Even MY armpits. I can't look at them, and I don't like people looking at mine. Eww...
C'mon.... you know they are awkward.
Diane Lane & Jon Bon Jovi, 1985

Monday, April 8, 2013

A List of 10: Things I Wish I Could Do

  1. Sewing: I wish I could make quilts, clothes... whatever. I can sew on a button, but that's where my talent ends.
  2. Blow Dry My Own Hair: It's impossible. Sure, the fact that my hair is down to my booty makes it hard... but I've never been able to blow dry my hair so it doesn't look like a frizzy nest. 
  3. Properly Cook Tofu: You would think...being a vegetarian and all...that I could cook yummy tofu. I can't. 
  4. Paint My Nails Without Messing Them Up: I have zero patience to sit and wait for my nails to dry. So, like a fool... I will try and multi task and will inevitably ding my wet nail on something. Every.Single.Time. 
  5. Walk On My Hands: Sounds weird, I know. But it's some crazy CrossFit victory if you can walk on your hands....maybe someday. :)
  6. Walk into Target and only get what I ACTUALLY NEED: This has been a goal of mine since college. It's sad how little self control I have...
  7. Run...Without needing to be chased: I hate running.
  8. Keep My Car Clean: I've never been one to have a clean car. My backseat is the home for shoes, scarves, Tupperware, and several water bottles....
  9. Tell a Joke Without Messing it Up: I am the worst joke teller.... ever.
  10. Sing My Heart Out 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Have A Glorious Weekend

My weekend is jammed packed. I'm in a training all day tomorrow... It starts at 8:30 AM! But.... I have rollerskating and the season premier of Mad Men to look forward to!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fake It 'Til You Become It

Throughout life we are confronted with situations that challenge our confidence.  Whether it is a middle school boy trying-out for the baseball team, or a twenty-six year old preparing for an interview… the way we feel about ourselves impacts our performance.
At an early age I developed some form of adaptive coping when I was feeling …well, inadequate. I contribute it to being a military brat and having to change schools a lot. Often times being the new girl in town, I had become accustomed to getting attention and putting myself out there to make friends. I wasn’t confident, really; I just pretended to be.  I faked it.
This continued into college when I took leaderships roles on campus. I always had doubts about myself and my ability, but I figured… I must be doing something right. When I interviewed for my first big-girl-job sincerely having not a clue what I was doing, my only option was to figure it out. I needed a job! Then… the biggest one hit me: Getting into graduate school. Doubt flooded over me and I thought for sure I was going to be discovered as an imposter; I didn’t belong there. I’m not smart enough. I am going to fail. Alas, just like every other anxiety-provoking, confident-sucking situation (e.g., roller derby, CrossFit)… I put on my “I’m a badass face” and faked it ‘til I made it.
A friend of mine shared this video with me and it introduced a new idea: Fake it ‘til you become it. Amy Cuddy is absolutely right. In my experiences I held my head high despite of self-doubts, and never paused to realize I wasn’t faking it anymore. I’m seventy days away (who’s counting) from graduation, and I still haven’t given myself credit for accomplishing this perceived impossible degree. I am smart enough.  Holy crap.

We have the power to influence our own confidence levels just by changing the way we present ourselves to the world. There’s risk involved, of course. But the reward is great. My mama was right all along (imagine that)… “Believe in yourself first, and you can do anything.”  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Wednesday

This is Johnny Cash with a kitten.
No other explaination needed.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Often times it is easier for me to forgive others than it is to forgive myself. I make efforts to be kind, less critical and gentle to others, but do not pay myself the same grace. Having thought about this topic over the past week, I wrote down this stream of consciousness....  

Monday, April 1, 2013